Author Topic: Chasing Amy  (Read 2059 times)

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Chasing Amy
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:48:29 am »
I've seen every Kevin Smith movie (with the exception of Chasing Amy and Dogma) many times each. I like to watch the extended edition, and listen to all the different commentary tracks. I really like Kevin Smith and his work, he's an amazing guy.

But I had never seen Chasing Amy. There were several reasons. The main one is that it's basically a romance.

I bit the bullet and bought it yesterday (apparently, it's on the commentary that Kevin learns that Jason Mewes has been using heroin, and I want to hear that conversation :) ). I watched it right away, and realized: it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I should have known that Kevin Smith wouldn't let me down. It's well written, funny, and isn't your typical romance. It's about a guy who falls in love with a lesbian and whose best friend is jealous. I won't say anything else about it.

Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, and Joey Lauren Adams star. All three are good friends of Kevin, and were hand-chosen by him at the penalty of having a huge budget cut for not casting stars. I respect somebody who's loyal to his friends, and it's nice to see actors we know from his previous movies. The funny thing is that, while Jason Lee and Ben Affleck were in Mallrate, and Mallrats takes place in the same town in the same "universe", they don't play the same character, whereas Joey Lauren Adams does. I found that a little strange.

But all in all, if you're a fan of Clerks, Mallrats, etc., you'll probably like this one more than you'd expect.

(By the way: there's no reason I haven't seen Dogma with commentary and such, I've only seen it the once. I've been looking for it in the store to pick up)