Herzing was pretty cool. In the electronics class, we got a free kit with a breadboard, some timer IC, a bunch of wires, a few capacitors and resisters, and two LEDs. We ended up making a LED flash -- pretty cool. Logan and I thought it'd be cool to see what happens when we "overclock" it, so voltage up. LED turns from green to yellow to orange to orange-red to red to nothing (with a puff of black), and then I get hit in the nose with a chunk of microchip. The professor is quoted as saying "Eh, you're not the first", but still laughing with us.
Networking class was more like "Sorry, I can't understand your Hindi accent" and I asked one of the other tech guys who was in the room if I could crack open the case and have access to the 5v Berg rail to blow the other chip up (some other guys gave us their kit). Before the end, we ended up checking out their server room -- it was pretty cool!
All in all, it beats Civics (and everything else).