Hello! First of all. A great Bot!
[12:48:43.910] exceptions.InvalidVersion: Old game version (it wants you to download WAR3_IX86_120E_121A_enUS.mpq)
[12:48:43.912] Login.getLogin(Login.java:183)
[12:48:43.913] PluginMain.processedPacket(PluginMain.java:333)
[12:48:43.914] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(PluginRegistration.java:722)
[12:48:43.915] bot.PacketThread.run(PacketThread.java:179)
I keep getting this Errors. I searched a bit. Basically I am really newby with Linux and JavaBot. I downloaded the most recent WAR3 Hash Files.
I created the folder
/home/hendricius./hashes/WAR3 and moved my WAR3 hash files into there.
/home/hendricius/.javaop2/_GameData.txt WAR3 entry looks like this:
version byte=14
version hash=01001027
I noticed when I checked my StealthBot installation from my previous Windows Vista Ultimate that the
version byte=14 should be
version byte=15.
Seems like local hashing is disabled. I do not know hence I am a complete newby
. Thanks for your help!
~Edit: I just found this Topic:
http://www.x86labs.org:81/forum/index.php/topic,8774.0.htmlWhat must I change in the _GameData.txt ?