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Forum upgrade

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I'd like to see someone (Newby or iago, probably) hack the news and make it an RSS feed from or something. Do they even offer a RSS feed? But it'd be pretty cool.


--- Quote from: OG Trust on April 18, 2007, 10:50:38 am ---Most of the quotes are pretty lame anyway.

--- End quote ---

Haha, yeah... they get old after awhile, but family guy is awesome!

--- Quote from: chuck on April 18, 2007, 09:42:34 am ---And perhaps put "News" in it?

--- End quote ---

Personally, I think the thing is pointless... if we have news, we have an Announcements board.

This new upgrade must have messed up the jokes forum, it added an additional 'u' to humor. Fix plzkthx.


--- Quote from: OG Trust on April 19, 2007, 07:27:27 pm ---This new upgrade must have messed up the jokes forum, it added an additional 'u' to humor. Fix plzkthx.

--- End quote ---

An optional "u."  That was me.

Yeah, Trust is right, we should definitely remove the brackets so that "humour" is spelled properly. :)


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