Yes, Coloured.
Anyways, this is an interesting riddle that caused a lot of argument at another forum I visit, so I thought I'd see who here can figure out the solution. Please don't Google it! Here's the problem:
You and two other people are brought into a dark room, and offered a chance to win $1,000,000. The problem is explained to you, and you are given time to plan with the others. A hat will be put on each of your heads. The hat will either be yellow or red. The light will be turned on, and you will see the others' hats. You will not be allowed to communicate in any way, and you are all allowed to guess the colour of the hat you're wearing, at the same time. If any person guesses incorrectly, you all lose. If one or more people guess correctly and the others decline to answer, you win the $1,000,000. If nobody answers, you lose.
To summarize:
- You are all given a randomly coloured hat, and an opportunity to see the others' hats
- Without communicating, you may guess at your colour at the same time as others
- If anybody is wrong or nobody guesses, you lose
- If one or more people are right, you win