[20:20:49.135] NOTICE: Bot 'BossBot' has been started.
[20:20:50.818] INFO: Trying BNLS server: jbls.org
[20:20:50.838] INFO: Resolving ip for server: useast.battle.net
[20:20:50.848] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[20:20:50.852] INFO: Choosing address 8 [useast.battle.net/]
[20:20:50.855] INFO: Attempting to connect
[20:20:55.864] ERROR: Connect failed: java.net.SocketException: Connection timed out
This worked before. I noticed this strange observation. I was reading joe's forum post about removing _GameData.txt in order for his new settings to take place. I removed the file and the bot worked, however now for some reason it always remakes the file everytime I startup the bot. The bot works without that file there. When the file is there, I get the error posted above. *Note I am using Macintosh, so hashes are NOT an option. jbls.org is a working server, so I know its not a server problem. I am using w3 for my client.
Thanks again,