Ok, you either need to setup the local hashing, or update you're core and plugins that is an older version which does not support BNLS/JBLS, rcrs is iago's setup that is specific to javaop2, which if any rcrs servers were online would still work probably but I don't think anyone is running any..
Download the files that Joe posted make sure they're uptodate.
You can try these which I compiled around april 20th from the cvs hdx had up:
http://irconcepts.net/downloads/bnet/bots/JavaOp2.zipIf you use the one i posted, make sure to double check the config's for war3, and set game= to be war III, or tft etc.. if it gives you problems connecting.. basically just double check the configs, they're located in you're documents core folder usually will be "C:\documents and settngs\administrator\.javaop2" or something like that depends on what user account you login to you're pc with...
Also you may need to change you're folder options:
show all files
show hidden system files
That should allow you to be able to see that folder if you can't at first on windows...
On linux it's in the users home directory, if you login as root it's in /root/.javaop2/, if you login as the acct "user" they're in /home/user/.javaop2/ etc..
The config file is <botname>.jbb which for you would be Zac.jbb, the <botname>.jdb is the database file just so you know.. the other's serve other specific purposes open them in text editors if you want to check them out.
Anway.. see if any of that helps.
Edit: here is a link to the version joe released in these forums it's a sticky here.