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The Thread of Greek and Latin Roots

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--- Quote from: Ender on May 29, 2007, 02:41:17 pm ---Quiz:

Match the letters to the corresponding numbers (e.g., an answer would be 1A 2B 3C 4D 5E 6F 7G). Remember, you're not supposed to look them up, lol.

1. anima (Latin)
2. zo (Greek)
3. caco (Latin)
4. phil (Latin)
5. pod (Greek)
6. ped (Greek)
7. ped (Latin)

A. child
B. foot
C. foot
D. animal
E. life, mind
F. love
G. bad

--- End quote ---

Well, I'm no expert, but I can hazard some guesses:

5B or 5C
7B or 7C

I guessed at 6 and 7, though. I am decent at ancient roots, but I don't know whether they're greek or latin.

All correct! Good job =P Now Later I'm going to post something informational on them...

Quiz #2:

Spot the roots in the following words. There may be more than one.

1. democrat
2. ethnicity
3. cognate
4. monolith
5. paleolithic
6. euphony
7. cacophony

Example format (you can use whatever you like):

[question#]. [word]: [root1] - [meaning]; [root2] - [meaning]; ...

Example answer:

8. culpable: culp - fault, blame; other_root - it's_meaning

1. demo - people, crat - rule
(rule of the people)

2. ethn - people,  ic - having characterstics of, ity - state of being
(state of being having char of people)

3. cogn - together, ate - to come to be
(to come to be together)

4. mono - one, lith - rock
(one rock)

5. paleo - old , lith - rock, ic - having characteristics of
(having charactersticis of old rock)

6. eu - good, phon - sound, y - state of being
(state of being good sound)

7. caco - bad, phon - sound, y- state of being
(state of being bad sound)


Great job! You got most of them, with some minor mistakes.

--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---1. demo - people, crat - rule
(rule of the people)

--- End quote ---

Close. It's dem, not demo, as in demigod. And crat is right.

--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---2. ethn - people,  ic - having characterstics of, ity - state of being
(state of being having char of people)

--- End quote ---

Yep. ethn also means nation.

--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---3. cogn - together, ate - to come to be
(to come to be together)

--- End quote ---

Actually, the first root is co (with) and the second is gnatus, the past participle of the Latin infinitive nascor (to be born).

--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---4. mono - one, lith - rock
(one rock)

--- End quote ---

Yep. mono also means single or alone

--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---5. paleo - old , lith - rock, ic - having characteristics of
(having charactersticis of old rock)

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---6. eu - good, phon - sound, y - state of being
(state of being good sound)

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Deuce on June 06, 2007, 05:10:20 am ---7. caco - bad, phon - sound, y- state of being
(state of being bad sound)

--- End quote ---



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