Grok, Adron, and Skywing are historical figures on, and their clan was what it is because they're the leaders (for the most part).
Having been with vL since before it was created (
), and observed how things have changed, I strongly disagree with this. While Grok's leadership and commitment was for a long time the cornerstone of vL's success as a group, Skywing and Adron have been mediocre
leaders at best. They were not original leaders, and were handed the positions (despite what the members wanted) when they opened up, because they were who people saw as "leetest" at the time. Skywing outright ignores members because he cannot handle internal issues properly, and he goes completely inactive for months at a time, while Adron just does whatever he pleases, freely abusing any power he has because his ego has been stroked to the point where he thinks he is the sacrosanct King of vL. This is not to say they haven't been outstanding
members in some ways, but they are a good example of why it's bad to hand responsibility and control over to people who didn't even really want it (for reasons other than "status"), or try for it, assuming things will go well because they have been successful in other regards. Their (lack of) leadership, arrogance, poor coping skills, and privileged/elitest attitude is largely responsible for the negative changes we've seen over the years.