Suppose I should post an introduction as im frequenting the boards lately.
My name is James, I've gone by the nicks Vader/LordVader for years on 1998 to now.
Tho I lost the Vader accound about 2 years ago during a long break from bnet.
My background on bnet is mostly gaming d1/sc/bw/wc2/d2 and clans like DoC/C$/7D$ etc..
and still to this day consider myself ~tBD/DBD, alot of friends along the way =)
Anyway that all lead me into learning html/javascript/perl/php, my strengths being xhtml/css/php mostly.
In turn everything has lead me to being interested in more advanced languages for win32/other like C++ etc..
I have no formal education other than highschool etc.
Only minor background in ancient (mid 1980's) experience with dos programming displaying text on screen and basic user input and such from highschool days.
So things like asm and ansi vs unicode etc, things like that are still a bit confusing at times but i'm grasping it better now.
To sum all that up I learned quickly how to teach myself things online via google and other search engines in a hurry.
Anyway, I've been using javaop2 for a while and other bots of course.
Also I am familar with the vl boards as I post there in the c++/php boards some.
Lately due to iago passing the JavaOp2 torch onto other's, i've been posting more trying to help and get help where I can in regards to JavaOp2.
Which is why i've been around.
Generally finding the userbase of both x86 members and non membmers alot more welcoming and easier to deal with than in most other places..
Which in comparison to say the vL boards in the quality of users in general on the board overall.
The lack of or lower amount "first time programmers/users" attempting to get help/do things that are "WAY" beyond what they have ever done before,and not doing any research other then to say HELP ME OMFG.
Probably has alot to do with that ^ more, and doesn't directly reflect on the clans as both are compitent obviously.. to me anyway.
Currently I mostly play guildwars, and sometimes hop on d2, and am looking for a descent new game to play online when im not other wise busy..
Anything but wow, or any pay to play game as I try to keep the wow'crackfiend inside of me at bay at all costs.
Anyway, sup hi's and all that i'll shutup now, peace and such!
- James
Any interested folks can check, as that's where I mostly work on or post things that i'm working on for the web or other wise doing at any given time.