This was just a quick and fun bs game, wasn't quite fair but eh.
As usual, backstabbers are allied and backstabbees are unallied.
Everyone starts to ally, until we notice that one person didn't, blue (streetballer901). We ask and ask nicley for him to ally, but he doesn't. We all assume he's going to backstab so we unally him. It also appears blue was trying to cheat in the first screenshot. This gave us yet another reason to unally with him, nobody likes cheaters.
Blue decides to send a few zealots up to yellow's (Tony_Soprano) base and just sits there. We all supposedly unallied with blue at the beginning, however yellow didn't. We then assume that blue and yellow are partners in crime, since neither of them attack each other.
We then find blue's base, who really sucks as deadly clearly states.
Orange (Evil_Tim) goes to kill blue because he was a dirty backstabber.
I don't quite remember what we were trading, but blue didn't seem to like it before he died. :/
White (Blazey) goes to attack yellow because we all think he was with blue.
While this is happening, I send a zergling up into yellow's base to play around. All of my zerglings that I had created followed this one zergling. Yellow didn't seem to mind that I had about 200 zerglings in his base.
The zergling that all of my zerglings were following got stuck in the group. Yellow notices all of my zerglings and sends his guardians over just in case I attack him.
I finish transporting for my overlords and pick up the stuck zergling. The rest of the zerglings are no longer following it, so I unally and die a horrible death after taking a few buildings with me.
I quickly start building mutalisks to replace my lost zerglings. We then finish yellow off.
Orange had no idea what was going on until it was too late.
Orange unallies after about half of his base is replaced with our units. Teal (Deuce/DonnezMoi) also reveals a secret. ;P
Orange wasn't able to wait ten more seconds for us to finish killing him, so he leaves.
I wasn't able to save the replay because it was corrupted and crash my game. You can all thank Yellow (Tony_Soprano) for using either selection hack, multicommand or some other hack.