So my student email and course selection information came in the mail today. Does anyone have any tips on scheduling courses? Right now I'm taking 5 classes, 3 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 2 on Tuesday and Thursday. My freshman advisor preregistered me in her 8:30AM American Government course, and I had originally planned on changing it to the 9:30 one but I decided to keep it in order to ensure I was done with school by noon. I worry though that I won't get enough sleep, I usually didn't stay up that late during highschool on school nights because I like getting 9-10 hours a night, and my senior year my school didn't start until 8:50 so that was nice. I guess this is a comparable time as there's no driving here because the classroom buildings aren't very far from the freshman dorms. Anyway, if any of the college students here can offer suggestions I'm all for it!
Anyway here is my schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:30AM-9:20AM - Introduction to American Government
9:30AM-10:20AM - Introduction to Philosophy
10:30AM-11:20AM - Introductory Spanish 1
8:30AM-9:20AM Western Culture 101 (Beginning-900C.E.)
9:30AM-11:20AM Rhetoric 101 (Principles/Practice of Good Writing, which is a required freshman course and a staple of the Hampden-Sydney education.)
The plus side is I have the entire afternoon to do whatever I want, and I get out just when I begin to get hungry. The downside is I'm not going to get up early enough to shower and go eat breakfast, especially if I was up late studying or drinking the night before.