I've enjoyed The Gunslinger thorougly. I'm almost through it and am looking forward to the next book. Why don't you like Steven King? What about The Dark Tower didn't you like?
The Gunslinger started out way too slow for my interest. I understand it's a relatively long series, but when absolutely nothing in the first book made me go, "Gee, this is really worth reading!" I tend to not like books. So while the rest of the series may be significantly better (which I've heard it is from a friend), the first book is "make it or break it" for me. As to why I don't like Stephen King in general, I don't like his writing style at all. His characters really do suck, his stories are a futile attempt at "horror," and they all have really lame plot outlines. They're also really tedious to read. I read because I think it's fun; I don't want a thousand page novel that takes a year and a half to finish because it moves way too slowly for my interest. I understand a lot of horror is setting up the scene and that it has to be done intricately, but he's just over the top about it.