Announcements > [x86] Announcements

Welcome to our newest member (members?), Hitmen!

<< < (5/5)

No, I remember it as not even close to getting voted out (I called deadly short or something, I can't remember), and then getting voted out (I think I told deadly to go back to India, or something. I remember saying Newby did it several times before, so probably that :).

Since I got back in, nobody's moved to kick me out again.

Hitmen, see the argument about who the best metal bassist ever was. I think it's in your discussion thread. We need a verdict.


--- Quote from: Joe[x86/64] on July 01, 2007, 12:10:21 am ---I think it's in your discussion thread.

--- End quote ---
It's in the stuff that got split off his discussion thread, in the trashcan.


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