So sometime last night, the forum crapped itself. I have no idea why, but the Settings.php file and Settings_bak.php files ended up empty. Don't ask me why the backup file is broken at the same time as the main one, there are some things that Man was not meant to know.
In any case, I did a fresh install of SMF and copied the settings file back, modified the DB stuff and, after I reset the DB password (how was I supposed to remember what it was?
), it seems almost perfect.
The only problem was that some of the categories moved a little. So I fixed that. So far I haven't noticed any other problems, but let me know if you do.
The DB seems to be unaffected, so that's a plus. The latest backup I have is yesterday morning so I didn't really want to roll it back.
If you see any problems, post it here and me (or one of the other leaders) will take care of it as quickly as possible!