The bold part is stupid as fuck. I'll assume that they hate the cat anyway, though?
Well, let's put it this way: the instant they put the cat down is the instant I'm buying a plane ticket home and never coming back to visit. Why go to a home with people who are heartless and don't give a damn about the animal?
My dad loves the cat. Too bad my stepmom is heartless and cruel. If we threatened to put down her dog (who pisses in the house too, whenever it tries fucking with the cat it ends up getting hurt to the point where it pisses itself; it also pisses whenever it's happy to see someone, like a little piddle) she'd cry and say "NOOOOO!"
The best part is: they haven't even
tried to help the cat. They just complain when he pisses and threaten to send him away.
I keep my door shut. Nobody else does. They don't seem to care. Since they aren't going to help, I'm taking this into my own hands. Short of shutting the door and moving laundry, what else can I do?