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Unbelievable.. there was a power failure this morning, right after my mom left for work. When it came back up, the DB was having issues but I got them straightened them out.

I have huge duedates next week, and once they're over I think I found a more stable home for the forum.


These problems are really frustrating, especially considering I have very little free time...

Where do you mean by more stable home?


--- Quote from: chuck on August 02, 2007, 07:46:25 pm ---Where do you mean by more stable home?

--- End quote ---
Hiding snuggly between two of the Symantec server boxes ;)


--- Quote from: chuck on August 02, 2007, 07:46:25 pm ---Where do you mean by more stable home?

--- End quote ---
Basically, to a place designed for hosting servers, as opposed to my parents' house.

--- Quote from: Ergot on August 02, 2007, 07:48:04 pm ---Hiding snuggly between two of the Symantec server boxes ;)

--- End quote ---
Not quite :P


--- Quote from: iago on August 02, 2007, 07:13:05 pm ---Unbelievable.. there was a power failure this morning, right after my mom left for work. When it came back up, the DB was having issues but I got them straightened them out.

I have huge duedates next week, and once they're over I think I found a more stable home for the forum.


These problems are really frustrating, especially considering I have very little free time...

--- End quote ---
hooray for iago!
I need SOMETHING to do at work ::) ;)


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