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Possible downtime

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EASY, sheesh.

I know. I was kidding, a sort of play on how there's been so much downtime lately that it does little good to bother announcing it.

Our phones have been fucked up as well. Sometimes people call and say that the phone was ringing but it never rings once here! Yes, we do have call waiting but nobody is on the phone. :(

We had a lot of line noise, apparently. I have to see if they ever actually came down.

So I called my mom to find out the deal. Apparently, MTS (my ISP) came down on Tuesday of last week and found the problem: the hot water tank was leaking, and caused a bunch of corrosion inside one of the walls. He removed that one jack that was shorting out (the room was unused anyways) and that solved the line noise problem.

That's likely the reason that the Internet connection was being intermittently broken last week, so hopefully it'll behave now for awhile.


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