Calculus III has an assload of homework, although it isn't worth much of the final grade (75/650 ~= 11.5%). We had a small assignment today, which I have yet to start. Apparently, all weekly assignments are due on Friday, so at least there is some leeway. It's actually outside of the required mathematics for a computer science degree here, but I want to go through at least Differential Equations.
As you can see, Tuesdays are pretty busy. I'm hoping it won't be too much. Unfortunately, the majority of the classes I need to take this semester are only offered on Tuesdays/Thursdays, so I don't think I'll have much luck shifting things around.
Here's a short description of each of the not-so-intuitively-titled courses (the CS classes):
CS 200 -- The title explains the course pretty well, but from what I've heard, it's pretty easy. I think the language used is Java.
CS 270 -- This is an introductory class to low level programming, I think (ASM/C++). I haven't really looked into it much.
It's 17 credit hours. It should be a pretty easy semester, but I guess we'll see. I'm not taking a Physics course, which will help with the amount of homework and studying, I guess, but in the past, they've been the most interesting classes. Oh well...