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Topics - Newby

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 49
[x86] Announcements / We moved things around!
« on: August 25, 2009, 03:56:10 pm »
Yeah. We decided it was a good idea to restructure the forums in an attempt to shrink vertical space and keep activity less spread out.

If you find something missing, bugged out, or would like to comment on the recent moves, feel free.

If you're curious to the details of the move, read me for details.

Entertainment District / Welcome!
« on: August 25, 2009, 03:36:08 pm »
That's right! Your two favorite boards (Humor/Entertainment & Media Center) made love, had a baby, and then were promptly murdered in some horrific fashion by their offspring. All of their strengths, none of their weaknesses. This is the end result all grown up.

The rules here are simple:

  • If you have something funny, post it here.
  • If you want to discuss a movie, music album, or anything of the sort, post it here.

Basically, entertainment, mindless or not (books are acceptable!) gets put here.

No flaming. No fighting. Enjoy!

Entertainment District / Perry Bible Fellowship Comics
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:35:13 pm »
May be NSFW. Don't let the name fool you. They're actually pretty obscene and hilarious.

Example of one:

I actually was laughing in real life over a few. Heh. Enjoy. :)

Edit: As a word to the wise, the random comic button sucks, but it's worth going through them in order, because rarely do they disappoint.

General Discussion / Connect The Dots
« on: August 13, 2009, 03:25:11 pm »
Ok. I figure I'll start a cool forum thread game. It's probably been done elsewhere, but hey, I haven't seen it done on anywhere I've visited so:

I'm going to give you a link to a Wikipedia page. I'm then going to give you the link to another wikipedia page, or perhaps later, a general topic. You're going to connect the two links through clicking only links on the Wikipedia page to other Wikipedia articles.

e.g. I'll do one: Hitler to Obama. For Warrior. ;) ==> "The purpose of the Tripartite treaty, which was directed against an unnamed power that was clearly meant to be the United States was to deter the Americans from supporting the British" ==> "On November 4, 2008, amid a global economic recession, Barack Obama was elected president."

You must connect within six topics (not counting the originating topics). It's probably more interesting to get closer to six, than it is just doing one hop like I did. If you're able to do that, post your connection, then you can specify two topics to connect!

FIRST TOPIC (inspired by dark_drake): Chemical Engineering to Striptease

General Programming / MOVED: JavaOP Programming Issue
« on: August 05, 2009, 12:09:43 pm »

[x86] Announcements / We're alive!
« on: August 03, 2009, 06:06:53 pm »
Yeah. The power went out where the server was hosted, and iago was away and couldn't do anything.

So, everyone thank iago's friend for turning it all back on. :D

General Discussion / Laptop repair issue...
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:23:54 pm »
So I'm getting my laptop screen fixed free courtesy of Apple, yet I have lots of things on my laptop I do not want them to even chance at looking at. Pirated software en masse, music, some porn, a game that's banned in the US, etc..

Suggestions? Not care? Back it up and reformat?

I was going to boot Ubuntu and dd if=/dev/hda of=hdbackup.bin and then install the base OS back on to it... but it seems excessive. The turnaround is "same day" for the fix. I'm also not sure if dd'ing it back would fix it, since I have a boot camp partition set up and I'm not sure it would get *everything* like the command seems to do.

I would PGP the disk, but then Windows would break.

(It's a MacBook Pro, for reference.)

Let me know! :D

Entertainment District / Jon Lajoie: Michael Jackson is Dead
« on: June 28, 2009, 12:33:48 am »
Don't pretend you give a shit..

lol. It's so true!

[x86] Announcements / We have new leaders!
« on: June 22, 2009, 05:42:51 pm »
That's right. You voted (actually most of you didn't) and you have spoken. You're sick of the current reign of power, so you want something new...

In FIRST PLACE, with 27 votes, we have JOHN MCCAIN!!! That's right. He's not fit to run the U.S., but oh boy can he run this clan. He's got experience in war, so when Starcraft 2 comes out we'll be the top gaming clan with all the battlefield strategies he's accumulated over the years.

In SECOND PLACE, with 26 votes, we have TUBERLOAD!!! Back from the dead, he managed to snag a significant portion of your votes.

In THIRD PLACE, with 25 votes, we have TOPAZ!!! The University of California system is going to stop accepting as many Asians as they did, which means her bitch-ass will be SOL, and I guess you all knew that and pitied her, so you decided to let her into something awesome at least once in her life. Or him. I really don't care which.

Thanks for playing!

Leaders are the same. iago with 9 votes, sidoh with 8 votes, and blaze with 5 votes!

General Programming / Not sure of the wording for this project...
« on: June 03, 2009, 04:22:12 am »
But all I have to say is: the STL sucks fat penis.

2. Category class will contain an STL string for its name, an STL multiset of Item sorted by location, and an STL multimap of set Iterators with keys based on the corresponding Item’s price.

So Item looks like:

Code: [Select]
class Item {
  int price;
  string location;
  string description;

Not sure what to think of Category, though. I get the first two things.

Code: [Select]
class Category {
  string name;
  multiset<Item> items;
  // ???

But "an STL multimap of set Iterators with keys based on the corresponding Item’s price."

I have like, 0 idea how to envision that in my head.

Perhaps something like:

Code: [Select]
multimap<int, set<Item>::iterator> more_items;
I just have no idea what the hell is being asked for there. I can't imagine that data structure in my head. Fuck the STL. :(

Any thoughts?

EDIT -- Here's why I'm confused: as far as I know, an iterator just iterates over its container's type. If I have a set iterator, it needs an iterator to go over. Why would I have a multimap full of random iterators? Don't those iterators need a set to associate with? I'm confused. Bah!

Gaming / The Sims 3
« on: May 18, 2009, 07:29:06 am »
It leaked early apparently, and after playing it for the last 6-7 hours straight, I have to say: it's pretty sweet.

It reminds me a lot of The Sims 2, and it definitely has a few bugs that need to be worked out, but hey: it's The Sims. It's like, my life sucks, so why not play someone cool in a game and be awesome? yeah!

General Discussion / Happy birthday MyndFyre!
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:23:24 pm »
Yeah! 25! You're a third of the way to being dead! Woohoo!

Don't get too drunk! 8)

General Discussion / Data recovery software?
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:52:32 am »
I've got a friend that had malware delete his pictures folder. Or something to that extent. Something to the tune of six years worth of pictures gone. His fault for not backing them up, but whatever, no use crying over spilled milk.

I used to know of software that would look for "deleted" files and recover them, but that was before I even started high school. Does anybody know of anything that'll work nowadays? I'm guessing that the data is still on the hard drive, there's just nothing pointing at it.

I seriously doubt the data is completely gone if it's six years worth of photos, so any caliber of software would be good. And whether or not it's open source won't be an issue... if it comes down to it, I'll just steal it. But I'd prefer open source/freeware, as rare of a chance as that would be!

Thanks in advance! Any positive solutions welcome. :)

[x86] Announcements / Totally sorry about the downtime!
« on: May 13, 2009, 06:41:19 pm »
The power went out, the IP reset, I failed another math midterm, things are just not in our favor right now!

Now it's all better. :)

3:44:22 PM Ron ok coolness
3:44:24 PM newby1337: What happened?
3:44:26 PM Ron sorry 'about being down all day.. power failure
3:44:30 PM newby1337: Ah.
3:44:32 PM Ron and I didnt' have access to box this morning
3:44:36 PM newby1337: It's cool, I'm swamped.
3:44:37 PM Ron so server was off + ip reset
3:44:38 PM Ron heh
3:44:44 PM Ron can you post on the forum letting them know?
3:44:46 PM Ron: I'm out, see ya

Entertainment District / The Fatal Consequences of Masturbation
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:40:15 am »

And to think I just thought I had the Swine Flu. ::)

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