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Messages - Net_Creator

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JavaOp Board / Re: JavaOp 2.1.2 released!
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:32:49 am »
This was updated in Jan. 2010? O.o This looked dead to me. ._.

My thoughts on this is a function to get such and such data. Log whether the bot is D2 or D2 LoD, and whether it's an Azeroth or USEast (in the case of USEast server, otherwise Lordaeron/USWest and so on) client. LoD and D2 would come back as the Starcraft-style server realms, while only Warcraft III: RoC and Warcraft III: TFT would come back as the Warcraft-style realms. AKA: If the bot is not WC3 or W3XP, then it counts as the SC-style, and if it is, it'll be logged as WC-style. Then the plugin could check if the joining person is WC- or SC-style, and message accordingly. If the bot is SC-style and the joiner is SC-style, it uses a realm void. If they're opposite server styles, it uses the appropriate realm (by calling data from the bot's login plugin on which server it's on) and messages. Only with D2/LoD bots would it require to use the asterisk before a whisper message.

And, yeah, I have no idea how to write that in Java. >_> Darn my downfalls.

JavaOp Support Archive / Re: Hosting games with JavaOP
« on: May 14, 2008, 05:19:09 pm »
Anyone have the slightest clue how I can make this appear and run in my JavaOp? I've actually completely modified the thing to run a different game. :P

For this one in particular, all of them except advertisements.

That was it. The rest of the stuff before that was people in the channel talking. =/ Though, the bot always gets that one error, the one at the top - the one I need some help figgerin' out what the heck is goin' on - whenever I join a channel. Yeah. That one that spammed the screen. The really quick one. The blue text I understood, and the handling error (red text at bottom) I've had happen enough that I understand.

But I can't figger out why it did that. >_>

Arright. I had a topic a good while ago about my bot trying to do SOMETHING in accordance with a user. Usually when I connect it or join a channel. Well, while I was gone, it spammed an attempt to do this something. And thus, I disconnected. =/ And I only had my back turned for a minute! >_>

Botdev / Re: User Groups
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:00:15 pm »
@Newby: Yes, basically. Say I have a have a set of flags for masters, and take someone straight from no flags to that. Accesslevel won't do it, unless I give them a flag, give them the access level, then give them back the flag, and flags has me manually type in my flags. Say, I have the following flag combinations:
admin           AFLNSTU
member        FU
other            LSTU
other-low      LU
Some of these would be fine to just manually type in really quickly. Others would be a pain. And I'm just horrible at remembering all these combinations. >_> I found that usergroups might make it easier, or might make it harder. Knowing how to mod my plugin for access levels, so instead of toggling, it will set the users exactly to those specified flags, or using + and then an access level, or - then an access level, to add or remove that level's flags, could replace this idea.
Dealing with overlapping flags? It would just give that member the flag. It would give it again, and since there's two (or more), a little process would change this, so if it is the case, the flag will be processed for modification - then setting it back to only one of that same flag on the user. An example for a user in 'member' and 'other' usergroups:
/whois *MyGenericPerson@Azeroth
*MyGenericPerson@Azeroth has flags FLSTU (In usergroups member and other)

Basically. Also, did I miss anything?

JavaOp Support Archive / BNLS Connection: Failure
« on: April 23, 2008, 02:19:36 pm »
Alright, new problem with the BNLS. >_> It seems jbls's BNLS isn't up.
Here's a full error log. >_>

Code: [Select]
[13:19:13.934] NOTICE: Bot 'Net_Bot' has been started.
[13:19:14.249] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[13:19:14.410] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[13:19:14.586] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[13:19:14.717] INFO: Choosing address 9 []
[13:19:14.725] INFO: Attempting to connect
[13:19:14.902] INFO: Connected to /
[13:19:15.015] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[13:19:15.076] INFO: Connected to
[13:19:15.142] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
[13:19:15.149] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
[13:19:15.293] INFO: Sending authorization.
[13:19:15.564] WARNING: BNLS server '' returned an error -- this means the server might not be running.
[13:19:15.570] WARNING: The error is: Connection refused
[13:19:15.582] INFO: Attempting to use next BNLS server.
[13:19:15.790] WARNING: Out of BNLS servers, defaulting to local hashing.
[13:19:15.812] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[13:19:15.869] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[13:19:16.121] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2611339645"
[13:19:16.146] java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
[13:19:16.152] java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
[13:19:16.155] java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
[13:19:16.466] versioning.CheckRevision.checkRevision(
[13:19:16.473] versioning.Game.checkRevision(
[13:19:16.483] versioning.BNLSWrapper.getVersionCheck(
[13:19:16.499] Login.getAuthCheck(
[13:19:16.505] PluginMain.processedPacket(
[13:19:16.511] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(

Botdev / Re: User Groups
« on: April 23, 2008, 02:07:30 pm »
Hrm.. Well, this changes my question. When using an access level on a person, if they don't have any flags, why will their flags not change instead of using the access level's flags? Shouldn't it change to the flags set by the access level instead of toggling, also?

Yes, I did. Would it be better to unlock it?

Botdev / User Groups
« on: April 22, 2008, 11:08:37 pm »
OK, I'm definitely no Java scripter, so the most I can do is post my formed idea here, and anyone who wants to can try to make it. (Exactly as said. Whoever wants to.)

User Groups.

Usergroups will probably be an even easier and more organized form of accesslevels. With the usergroups, I'd suggest having a pre-defined usergroup: all. No flags, but some way it includes anyone. This can be used for setting everyone to a certain flag.
For instance, you make a command. You want everyone to be able to use it. Set the command to that flag. Set the all usergroup to that flag. I'd also recommend making a block against deleting the all usergroup, if it's possible to be made.
A few script-mods may also be helpful to do. Such as, when using find or whoami, it will list which usergroup you're in if you are in one, after the flags you have.

User groups can be defined with /addusergroup <newusergroupname> <newusergroupflags>
You can redefine already-made usergroups with /setusergroup <usergroupname> <usergroupflags>
Deleting usergroups is just as easy. Use a /deleteusergroup <usergroupname> to remove it.
Players can be added to usergroups with /addtogroup <usergroupname> <username>
Likewise, players can be removed with /deletefromgroup <username>

I had more ideas on this, but they seem to have slipped my mind, and elude me at the moment. I'll edit this post as I remember more things, or post again. >_>

JavaOp Support Archive / Re: W3XP Connection: Failure
« on: April 20, 2008, 02:17:32 pm »
BNLS server or just

 - Net

 //Edit: Got it running on Thanks, Rabbit!//

Erm, I'm having a tad bit of trouble understanding this. When my bot enters a channel, it attempts to send a message or /who a player, one or the other, I don't know which. Can someone.. explain this?

Code: [Select]
[20:02:00.274] Joining channel: Op Net_Creator
[20:02:00.287] *Net_Creator is in the channel (ping: 62, flags: 0)
[20:02:00.314] *Net_Creator has had a status update (ping: 62, flags: 2)
[20:02:00.423] That character is not logged on.  Try using *username to message a user or character@realm to message a character in a different realm.

Here's a log of the TFT connection.

Code: [Select]
[19:50:23.963] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[19:50:24.009] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[19:50:24.022] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[19:50:24.026] INFO: Choosing address 7 []
[19:50:24.029] INFO: Attempting to connect
[19:50:27.534] INFO: Connected to /
[19:50:27.538] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[19:50:27.541] INFO: Connected to
[19:50:27.555] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
[19:50:27.570] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
[19:50:27.576] INFO: Sending authorization.
[19:50:28.058] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[19:50:28.062] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[19:50:28.127] INFO: Checking server's signature...
[19:50:28.212] INFO: Server successfully authenticated -- it's Blizzard's
[19:50:28.766] INFO: CDKey and Version check sent.
[19:50:28.825] exceptions.InvalidVersion: Invalid game version
[19:50:28.827] Login.getLogin(
[19:50:28.829] PluginMain.processedPacket(
[19:50:28.830] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(

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