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Messages - Newby

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General Discussion / Re: Recent headaches...
« on: June 15, 2011, 10:47:35 pm »
I have another friend who has been having chronic headaches. He's been to the hospital and a neurologist before, and nothing is confirmed yet but they found some kind of brain issues. He's asked me not to go into details, but it's not a tumour (it was scary because his mom nearly died recently of a brain thing - embolism I think).

Little unsettling.

The reason I haven't seen a doctor yet is because I haven't had health insurance for the last five months. Today was the day my health insurance finally became active so I'll see one shortly and let you guys know what's up (if you're curious or whatever).

Caffeine pills never used to do that to me. Caffeine never did. Unfortunate, too; my favorite soda (coca cola) tastes like crap without it. :(

General Discussion / Recent headaches...
« on: June 15, 2011, 02:04:42 pm »
I figured I'd post it here.

Lately I've been getting these vicious headaches. Backstory to when they began so I can explain the origin of them:

It was a cold, windy day in November. Actually, I don't really remember the weather. I do remember waking up to a few e-mails that put my stress level somewhere over 9000. Someone in my fraternity had planned to throw a party entitled "GI Joes and Army Hoes" on Veteran's Day weekend. (Why do I care? I was the treasurer of the fraternity at the time.) Someone working at the school saw the Facebook event about it and sent an e-mail to us and our national contact. We're not allowed to throw parties, so the carbon copy sent to headquarters terrified me. We break a lot of rules. We didn't need someone investigating. We had also been dealing with a lease on our house, and some bad news came in from the lawyer we had been talking with. So I was a gigantic bucket of stress. I got a headache shortly after reading all of those e-mails and it developed into the worst headaches I've ever had. I went to go get lunch and literally could not do anything but complain about the headache. Light was very bright, sound was very loud, doing anything just made my head throb twice as hard. Not my entire head, either. The front left part of my head, right above my eye in particular. After a half-hour or so it went away. I had no idea why that headache was so painful but just went on with my day.

Since then, any headache I get is that painful and can generally be described like the one above. Headaches are very infrequent but when they happen they reduce me to lying in bed (usually on the verge of crying) waiting for the pain to go away because I'm incapable of doing anything else. And generally afterwards I just fall asleep.

I've done some investigating of my own and have pieced together the following bits of information that may or may not have a direct relation to my headache:

  • My family has a history of cluster headaches and migraine headaches. My father gets cluster headaches, his mother/father (one of the two) gets (got?) migraine headaches. So I'm not without a history and it could be one of these. The duration that they last tells me it's a cluster headache (migraines last 4+ hours? definitely would die if this happened) but the level of pain described (the "worst pain in medical science"/"worse than childbirth") seems extreme. Though I can't say for sure I've had anything more painful happen to me.
  • They frequently seemed to happen when I took caffeine pills. Lately I've deduced that to just being related to caffeine. It's not 100% accurate/consistent but generally when I have caffeine my head throbs like all hell some hours later after (I presume) the caffeine wears off. I used to get headaches from not drinking caffeine in high school but drinking caffeine-infused products tended to solve that. It doesn't work anymore.
  • They happen randomly and unpredictably for the most part. There was a solid period of my life when I didn't get them. Then I took a caffeine pill when I had a ton of stuff to accomplish and BAM! headache! I got one in the middle of my E&M final this quarter and, unable to think or finish, got the worst score of my life on a final (48%).
  • (This one is most recent) When I rub my eyes, put pressure on my eyes and/or blow my nose, it seems to temporarily relieve a bit of the pain. This tells me it could be a sinus-related headache, though I'm not sure a sinus infection could last this long (8 months) and only cause painful headaches. I want to dismiss this one though, as I am suffering the lingering effects of a cold currently.

Anybody care to give me some pointers besides going to see a doctor? I doubt a doctor is going to do anything when I describe headache symptoms so I figure it's a waste of my time. But you are all generally more intelligent than the rest of society (who continually tells me it's a tumor) so I figure I'd get everyone's input on my issue.

General Discussion / Re: Breaking Prediction Methods
« on: June 15, 2011, 02:49:20 am »
Not sure how much you would have to deviate from your normal behavior for it to be effective ... but if everyone did that, it'd probably be a lot harder to make predictions.

So what you're saying is if you got everybody to introduce noise into the system consistently and effectively (e.g. not just one random word at the end), it probably would make it a lot harder to make predictions. This is assuming, of course, that they don't modify their algorithm to filter out said noise. How would they do this? Probably the same way they set up their current system: hire some brilliant engineers and throw a ton of money at them until they produce something.

So basically you've got to convince hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of stupid ignorant internet users that their privacy is worth something. Then you have to teach them how to mask their surfing habits. And then you have to pray that Google and the like don't adjust to the new method of surfing.

Considering I have problems with paranoia, I have no problem with Google hosting: my school e-mail, my personal e-mail, my contacts list, my surfing habits, my location (when I use GPS on my phone)... the list probably goes on, but those are major ones.

General Discussion / Re: Quidbids - "entertainment retail auction"
« on: June 12, 2011, 01:56:12 pm »
Another way to look at it, it's like a lottery where the drawing and ticket vending are simultaneous so that the last ticket number is the winning lottery number.

This. It's not like you put in a bid and win, it's like eBay but instead of money you purchase bids. It's dumb. Initially thought it was cool when I first discovered it but looked into it and realized it was dumb.

General Discussion / Re: Brain tumor && depression/anxiety
« on: June 05, 2011, 05:22:50 pm »
It's not always just "be a man, get over it, disregard everything, acquire currency.." sometimes there is an actual cause for your thoughts and problems. After years of struggling with severe anxiety and depression, I've finally found the cause and am taking the steps to turn my life around. Don't lose hope misc, don't ever lose hope.

Damn dude. That's horrible yet at the same time great news. Hope all goes well man. Keep in touch and let us know how things go.

ps you'll always be a fat kid on a bike who can't rap to me. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Insurance Ads
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:17:38 pm »
I don't have health insurance currently. Or friends. Hiring them solves both! Yeah!


But really, does this surprise you? They're not the first insurance company to advertise and say they care. I mean, your second post basically spells out exactly why they care.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:22:46 pm »
Scary, yeah. I'm just excited to finally be capable of buying alcohol myself. =P

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:34:23 pm »
Damn, in less than a month I turn 21. Weird. ???

General Discussion / Re: Zombie Apocalypse (CDC)
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:09:36 pm »

I dont think many people have said he cant speak. I previous said he can speak, but so can others.
And like I said, dude#2 (Haas) can burn the flag all he wants

And my final remark, which I put because I pre-emptively knew you would say this, was:

... I just don't understand what part of the flag burning sets you off...[w]e've got a ton of other problems to deal with.

Why even bother remarking on this? It's not news, you know that, I know that, don't waste our time critiquing something worthless. This doesn't start any conversation. Something interesting or remarkable does.

Given the amount of education you've received, I'm surprised you hold such horribly ignorant opinions on such controversial subjects.

Or perhaps I just don't understand what part of the flag burning sets you off, because at no point does that action anger me or even really stir me up. Or even intrigue me. We've got a ton of other problems to deal with.

Introductions! / Re: Hi there!
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:40:37 pm »
Not as creepy as hanging out with the zombies.

General Discussion / Re: I'm proud to work for a company...
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:00:09 pm »
Hell, in that case, I'm proud to work for a company where our CEO hunts elephants.

What will it take for me to work for that company?

Your soul.

Just kidding.

No, seriously. MyndFyre's soul has been quite the little town slut lately. It should surprise nobody he works for evil GoDaddy. 8)

(Love you buddy.)

General Discussion / Re: Noise-Cancelling Headphones
« on: April 29, 2011, 01:28:56 am »
You figure the noise cancellation would be a realm that audiophiles are familiar with. By that I mean: what good is sound quality if background noise makes it impossible to fully enjoy? =P

They do touch on it, though. Here's one at the high end of your price range that these audiophiles gave a seal of approval on:

Bose QC15 [$299]: The best active noise canceling headphone by far. Good sound stage and presence. Light on the bass. The noise cancellation might distort the music though.

General Discussion / Re: Coincidence?
« on: April 27, 2011, 11:40:05 pm »
Interesting.  It's probably not a coincidence, but I'm not sure graduating from a university is a very strong indicator of anything really meaningful.

What fraction of graduated college alumni stayed in the same state they graduated from? A lot move away for work. Something also to consider in addition to the plethora of additional factors that make iago's original post an obvious attempt to start a flame war, given that the subject is politics. How often does something about politics stay well-mannered here? :p

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