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Topics - Allanon

Pages: [1]
JavaOp Support Archive / War3Clan: various features.
« on: September 22, 2005, 09:49:32 am »
Im clan admin of top3 clan in europe.
There is suggestions that i need to be happy =)
You know how many annoying newbies come to channel and "Can i join your clan?"
Some restrictions will be very, very helpful. Thanks.
invite <name>
Sends invitation to warcraft 3 clan (if bot have rank Shaman or Chieftain)
Req flags: MN
levelban <number> {on | off}
Sets channel autoban restriction depends on level in warcraft 3 (TFT?) ladder.
Req flags: O
peonban <peon | pic1 | pic2 | ...> {on | off}
Sets channel autoban restriction depends on warcraft 3 (TFT?) account picture.
I mean you gains first picture on 25 total ladder wins, second on 150 wins, third on 350 etc...
If you have less then 25 wins - your picture is Peon.
Req flags: O
tagban <tag>
tagunban <tag>
Add/remove clan tag to/from shitlist. When people from that clan will join to channel - they autobanned.
Example: tagban ecLs
Req flags: O
clanlevel <name> {none | peon | grunt | shaman}
Sets to target account clan level in warcraft 3 clan.
None means kick from clan.
(if bot have rank Shaman or Chieftain and only Chieftain to set rank Shaman)
Req flags: MN

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