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Messages - luna

Pages: [1]
that command doesnt work in start up or running from terminal. sudo makes no difference....

i'm using gnome & alltray, but i can't get this to work. :(
alltray /home/gail/javaop/Core/JavaOp2.jar as a launcher Application or Application in Terminal command dont work. making a link dont work either since i cant seem to modify the command... and doing alltray /home/gail/javaop/Core/JavaOp2.jar gives an error:

Code: [Select]
gail@badassness:~$ alltray /home/gail/javaop/Core/JavaOp2.jar
/home/gail/javaop/Core/JavaOp2.jar: 3: Syntax error: ")" unexpected

putting sudo before that command makes no difference.

well i got it working last night on the new comp with ubuntu on it; but then today i tried to start it up & got errors.

i dunno how to check whats wrong.

is there a more reliable bnet thing for linux or is this it?! i used stealthbot for years but it dont run on linux. :(

hm, i know whenever i reboot my linux comp i have to go to networking & delete the from DNS then add the right one. i still get the errors after i do that tho. i'll search the ubuntu forums for how to fix that.

otherwise does local hashing work?

hi i got it workin ok in windows xp i guess..

i cant get it to connect at all in ubuntu. i have the W2BN hash folder from stealthbot in plugins/W2BN

here's what i get with that in there:

[22:44:12.388] NOTICE: Bot 'd2rhc' has been started.
[22:44:12.458] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[22:44:12.585] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[22:44:16.901] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[22:44:16.906] INFO: Choosing address 6 []
[22:44:16.941] INFO: Attempting to connect
[22:44:17.064] INFO: Connected to /
[22:44:17.071] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[22:44:17.083] INFO: Connected to
[22:44:17.099] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
[22:44:17.103] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
[22:44:17.127] INFO: Sending authorization.
[22:44:22.184] WARNING: BNLS server '' returned an error -- this means the server might not be running.
[22:44:22.192] WARNING: The error is: Connection timed out
[22:44:22.196] INFO: Attempting to use next BNLS server.
[22:44:22.206] WARNING: Out of BNLS servers, defaulting to local hashing.
[22:44:22.211] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[22:44:22.222] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[22:44:22.313] exceptions.InvalidVersion: CheckRevision is not supported for product W2BN.
[22:44:22.359] versioning.CheckRevision.checkRevision(
[22:44:22.367] versioning.Game.checkRevision(
[22:44:22.370] versioning.BNLSWrapper.getVersionCheck(
[22:44:22.389] Login.getAuthCheck(
[22:44:22.401] PluginMain.processedPacket(
[22:44:22.428] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(

heres the error i get without the W2BN in /plugins

[22:42:35.347] NOTICE: Bot 'd2rhc' has been started.
[22:42:35.479] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[22:42:35.559] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[22:42:39.856] INFO: Resolves to 1 different addresses
[22:42:39.892] INFO: Choosing address 0 []
[22:42:39.919] INFO: Attempting to connect
[22:42:44.934] ERROR: Connect failed: Connection timed out

since the servers dont work how do i do local hashing? or did i configure something wrong?
the docs arent that good.

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