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Messages - Melissa

Pages: [1]
Entertainment District / Julia
« on: July 25, 2007, 05:08:26 pm »
This is one of my favourite songs.  Lennon wrote it while The Beatles were falling apart during the making of the "White Album".  He is the only person singing/playing here.  He wrote it about his mother Julia, who was run over by a drunk driver on her way to visit John when he was 17.  She introduced John to music.

What do you think?

Introductions! / Re: Lovely to meet you
« on: July 23, 2007, 03:47:43 pm »
Thanks for the welcome.

i always wanted to go there how is it like?

More sin and less guilt? ;)

I live in the countryside, where lunches take hours, work lasts longer, and good bread and wine is delivered to my door for less than 10 US dollars (34 francs, 7 Euros).  People are generally content, animal loving, and take their time in what they do.  In Paris, a larger city, you would first notice how old and short everything is - both good things, I think!

Cross country? Downhill?

Downhill mostly.

Which Bach pieces?

I love the Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould (1982 recording).  To appreciate it fully I think you need to listen to the whole thing through in one sitting, at a time when you can concentrate on the music.  I also love Art of the Fugue, and the Partitas.

She clearly likes "Air on the G String," duh.

Indeed.  Wait, was that witty? *poke*

Introductions! / Lovely to meet you
« on: July 20, 2007, 10:21:44 pm »
I'll introduce myself early. :O

How old are you? 17
Where are you from? France
What do you do (school/work)? school
What kind of music do you like? Whatever I like :P.  Beatles, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin...
Do you have a girl (boy?) friend? Would I be filling this out if the answer were yes?  (I just broke up :'()
Are you in any other clans?  lol
What's your favourite tv show? I like inspector Morris.
Movie? Godfather
Band? Beatles
Type of weather? Stormy
Subject in school? Writing
Drink? Bordeaux or Beaujolais
Author? Lewis Caroll, C.S. Lewis, Roald Dahl
Sport? Skiing/tennis
Bird? Lovebird

Why am I here? I like nerds.. hehe..  I probably don't qualify as one myself, but I think I can learn from them!  After watching mon frère play Starcraft for awhile, I got into it myself, and through it I found out about JavaOp.   Years later, that has led me here. :)

Ender's Book Club / Re: On Learning
« on: July 20, 2007, 04:57:16 pm »
This reminds me of something I would hear at a school assembly (unfortunately a daily occurrence).  I go to a private school, and they love preaching to us.  The school motto is "nil magnum nisi bonum" (nothing is great unless it is good). Ick.  Sort of twisted since they will excuse anything if your family has money. 

Good work though; your analogy makes your message memorable. :)

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: July 20, 2007, 04:49:31 pm »
That's the age of my sister.  I'd definitely feel uncomfortable if she was dating a guy that had just graduated, no offense. :-\

16? That's only a 2 year difference. My friend is 18 dating a 14 year old, now THAT'S weird.

(oh and I have to buy it at a store since I need to do it while I'm here so can't risk shipping.)

*Blush*. I'm 17 and I dated a 23 year old.  I am definitely immature, but I don't see that as a bad thing :P.  And it could be that she is more intellectually mature than he is: that really has a lot more to do with who you are than what your age is.

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