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Topics - Kaleeko

Pages: 1 [2]
Blizzard, WoW and Bots / 60! Again! ...
« on: January 15, 2007, 02:56:06 am »
I guess my hard work paid off. I just gave birth to a bouncing level 60 feral druid.

And, 2 days before the expansion. I rock.

Also, today marks another landmark. I left my first instance today because I was *told* to heal when we had 0 tanks. Freaks.

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / Guess what...!
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:48:53 am »
After much whining and complaining, many repair bots and bribing and flirting, lo and behold!:

I have a pony too, but it's not epic. I was fortunate enough to get the horse by accident even though I'm not exalted with SW yet. Close, but not close enough.

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / OMG, Kaleeko posts!
« on: October 07, 2006, 05:20:21 pm »
Yeah, yeah, I know, long time no rant. Between school, work, and WoW, what time do I have for you guys? ;) Haha. Actually, though, I have  a question that sort of pertains to that...

After playing hunters and mages and rogues, I think I've kinda gotten a little sick of DPSing. So, I've decided to roll a priest for a little while, maybe to actually level. (*gasp*!) I'm pretty sick of my current server, though. Since a lot of you guys play, and some of you on the same server, where should I make my priest? I'm having a hard time deciding between servers. And no, Joe. I'm not making it on Thunderlord.

General Discussion / Holy Water..?
« on: August 12, 2006, 08:00:41 pm »
Most of you know I'm a pastor's daughter. If not, now you know. Anyways.

Recently we moved to Washington so that my dad could serve this parish, and we moved into the parsonage that they had available. The other day the microwave went kaputt, and while messing around there, they came across a bottle that the previous pastor that had lived here left.

According to the label on the bottle, it contains water from the Jordan River. While of course there's no way to actually prove that, the likelihood is pretty high. Though, if it is, would this water be considered "holy"? With all the history from the Bible revolving around that river, is the water just a symbol, or do you believe that the water from it actually is "holy"? I'm not asking because I'm planning on throwing it out (that would just be silly, it looks so ancient it could be an antique!), I'm curious what you're opinion on it is.

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / What an Idiot.
« on: August 04, 2006, 05:17:01 pm »
This highly amused me.

NOTE: What asked that I was responding to was "How do you do that?" Anyways.

This is a sad, sad day for Night Elf hunters.

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / Finally...
« on: August 04, 2006, 06:35:38 am »
I hit 60. Finally. Three cheers for "I'm so goddamn sick of leveling."

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / What's wrong with this picture?
« on: July 29, 2006, 05:55:54 pm »
This is what happens when your Beaststalker just won't drop.

I'm tempted to wear my Gauntlets of the Elements that I have in the bank, too, but I'm just going to sell them Horde side, instead. I'm sure lots of hunters pick up these pauldrons now and then, but it just amuses me to see shaman gear on a night elf.

Introductions! / Without Further Ado...
« on: July 14, 2006, 07:01:11 am »
It's taken friggin' long enough. I've been on these forums for how long, and I still haven't written one of these stupid intro posts. ;) But, I suppose everybody knows I exist by now, at the very least. For those of you that don't, though, here I am.  I'm Liesl. I'm a girl. If you don't believe me, ask Gamesnake. He'll prove it through exploitation.

How old are you? 17

Where are you from? I currently reside in Sunnyside, WA, but I've lived in Alaska, Missouri, and Idaho.

What do you do (school/work)? Highschool ftl.

Where do you work, if applicable? I just quit working at Subway. Chains suck, don't support the evil empire!

What kind of music do you like? I'll listen to anything but rap. I will personally smite anyone who sends me anything  that even sounds remotely like it.

Do you have a girl (boy?) friend? If you're wondering if I'm eligible, the answer's no.

Are you in any other clans?  Nope.

Any friends around here (members or otherwise)? Sty was the one that brought me to the forums, Sidoh was the one that kept me here.

Why do you want to join? Interesting people, interesting topics, I get laughs every time I drop by, and lots of people have  hinted that it'd be a good thing for me to join. So  hey, why not. :)

Have you read our rules?  ... Maybe ... ;)

What's your favourite tv show? I really don't watch TV much anymore, but when I used to, I watched CSI, West Wing, and of course, Star Trek. When we actually had more than two stations.

Movie? My favorite movie in the whole  world is Office Space. I used to watch it every night while I went to sleep because it was the only thing that made me feel good about my job. Haha.

Band? A Perfect Circle or Postal Service.

Country? "Oh Canada..." XD

Continent? Antarctica. Penguins!!

Season?  Spring, simply because school is out and it's still not too hot outside.

Type of weather? Rainy.

Subject in school? Chemistry.

Chemical? Dihydrogen oxide.

Food? Chinese fried rice.

Drink? Mountain Dew.

Book? Atlas Shrugged or Sophie's World

Author? None's really coming to mind right off the top of my head.

Operating system? Mac OS X, preferably version 2.4 because things actually still ran before they switched to 3.0 and then to 4.0.

Phone company? Since I care so much. (Verizon.)

Computer brand? Apple. Duh.

Linux distribution? Slackware. If anything, it's just because of the cute(r) penguin.

Sport? Sports are for n00bs and should be banned from the planet. It's just organized aggrivation.

 Sports team? Refer to above question.

Sporting event? Refer to above above question.

Game? World of Warcraft, for lack of any other capacity to play anything else but such.

Style of game (board, rpg, card, etc.)? I was a big fan of text-based RPG's until WoW came and stole my brain.

Bird? Penguin.

Animal? Dragon. Real animal? Cat.

Pet? I would like a cat, but I can't have animals. Parents are impartial to them.

Alright, so, I wrote this at almost 4am and my brain is severely lacking the capacity to comprehend most of what I just said. Or rather, I'm not sure what I said covered anything but nothing. So if you're curious about something that my nothing didn't cover, then just throw that something my way and I'll try not to give nothing in return.

.. Maybe.

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