Clan x86
Technical (Development, Security, etc.) => JavaOp Board => JavaOp Support Archive => Topic started by: dotagosu22 on August 18, 2007, 02:18:05 pm
Hello guys. I have been told about this bot and i have some question. Does this bot have a feature to host games? I need some bot that will run in tray and host games, like: host game, wait till it ends, host another game. Is it possible to make such a bot? Thank you in advance for any help!
It is very possible to make such a bot, and it's conceivable that a plugin could be written for JavaOp that can do exactly that. However, the functionality doesn't currently exist.
Sadly to say that i am not a programmer in anyway. Can i ask if someone can help me with writing this plugin?
contact Wuffle on the forum or figure out who the hell is developing listchecker
Either way there is no way you are going to convince either without some major incentive.
Hell, I'll do it if you can match what I'm making not doing dev (my guess is you can't).
Maybe you can just do it? :)
It's a pretty big time commitment, even for someone of skill in the art. You might consider using a program like Auto-It to instruct a real SC client to host games; then you wouldn't have to emulate it.
there are other ways of doing this without using JavaOp, the PGL Bots made by Leax have the ablity to host games, the main problem how ever is bandwidth issues which is the same for Wuffles TDAL bots.
I plan to be creating this. It won't be a plugin, or something completely different. It will just be a sleepscript. Just get that plugin, and I shall give my script to you once I'm done it. I'll begin to make it on the 10th, and it should be done in a couple days. I can use -run applscriptosx or something, I forgot. Tell it to put sc window up front, "keypress enter" "keypress "I want to say this"" "keypress enter" I wanted to do this so I can have a starcraft account logged on all the time, and have it send messages as fast, and as many as it can or wants to. No flooding. Ever. It will have an automatic rejoin a game, every 10 minutes or so. The only problem would be to be able to play and it send messages at the sametime. I guess I'll have to have the bot check if the starcraft account is in the channe or not. Then it will send the message, or just put it in a file, and the script will run it when it is in the game. It sounds doable, and easy.
Unless you aren't using mac, then this might not work. :P
Man sounds cool. But i need this bot for Wc3, will it work there?
I'm not aware of anybody who has a working game-bot for WC3, although I could be wrong.
You are definately wrong. There is exactly one fully functional bot that can host WC3 games. It was written by Wuffle of Clan TDA and uses JavaOp.
Well, you showed me! :P
Ok, I'm only aware of one bot that does it. Talk to whatshisname. :)
Haha. I think I mentioned it before in the other thread.
Nice, I remember somebody (likely you) mentioning that bot, but I don't remember reading that it could do War3 games. That means little, though. :)
Maybe you can just do it? :)
The problem with asking for related things on this forum is that most people here no longer go on!
Nice, I remember somebody (likely you) mentioning that bot, but I don't remember reading that it could do War3 games. That means little, though. :)
Indeed, it -only- does W3XP games. Actually, fully functional is probably not even accurate since it only does one specific type of game (dota) with one specific setup.
Talk to Leax about his bot, it can do other Games aside from "DotA" as well, it just needs to be coded for it.
I need it EXACTLY for dota, though i have almost solve my need with Leax's help. I need a new bot, that can join game sit there and say something when players enter. Is this possible with javaop?
I didn't realize that there was a thread about this!
So, yes, I developed a few different plugins that have to do with W3XP games. I have one to "join" games (it was used internally inside TDA to police games before IceFrog agreed for TDABot to have that functionality), one to host automatically refreshing download only games without Warcraft III (to be used to distribute DotA, but was never put to use for that purpose), one to host games without using a Warcraft III client (somewhat outdated), and a "Listchecker" plugin. Since it's just a wrapper around Warcraft III's LAN interface, like Listchecker, it can host any game and on multiple realms at once (which is very useful for getting players).
However, the "Listchecker" plugin has not been distributed because of how abusable its functions can be. The host can spoof chat messages, kick players from the game while making it look like they left (this is very important in TDA games with how the replay parser handles it), and intentionally make players lag. If one were to use it inside of TDA games, he would easily be able to get anyone inside of his games banned with little chance of being caught.
that finaly finishes my question why you havent released it, thanks for that info Wuffle.
If someone want Bot Source / Files to work with, here we are: (
i'm not the uploader of this, btw
Anyone have the slightest clue how I can make this appear and run in my JavaOp? I've actually completely modified the thing to run a different game. :P