iago, what kind of connection do you have to the internet? This website loads really fast for me, and I understand its on like a 400Mhz server, I have a 333MHz server and my pages load slow or sometimes don't load at all. I'm just wondering what the difference is. Thanks!
He runs on Canadian DSL with a script to limit upstream. It's somewhat slow for me.
It's on a DSL connection. I can do 360kilobytes/s down and 40kb/s up. Multiply those by 8 to get the kilobit. From school, I find it's at least as fast as the vL forum. Quik's complaints might be due to geographical conditions, not actual bandwidth. Perhaps the response speed is slow, but the transfer speed is ok?
Port 80 is unlimited. The only thing I limit is file transfers like SSH.
It's Slackware 10.1, Apache 1.3.33, and the latest MySQL. It used to be on a 266mhz computer until like 2 days ago when I moved it to a 433. There was no real problem with response time on the 266, but I wanted to get it onto the better computer anyway. Onto a computer that can boot on its own.
I'm not sure what the difference would be. Maybe your router sucks? :)
My router is actually pretty good Linksys BEFSX41. My connection is 4.0mbps down, and 386kbps up. I just suck I guess.
My connection is 4mbps down, 512kbps up (60 kb/s).
I can host a few things and that's it. :P
I can host lots. but I won't.
I <3 iago's connection, I'm practically neighbors with him! (Winnipeg - Minneapolis)
My connection, when it's being good, is around 6mbps down. This should allow me to host a webserver eventually.
I'm from Boston and its almost the fastest site that I have.
I have 1.5mbit down and it's rather slow compared to other sites, but rather good compared to site from Asia :P