My friend decided she can't make it. Now I need to find somebody else to go with (no way in HELL I'm driving alone for 14 hours) or suffer the consequence of not going. Don't worry, though, I will harass my best friend till he comes. He's into that kind of music, but he doesn't like travelling. We'll see!
Me! Me me me!
That would make so little sense it hurts :-P
Haha, just TRY explaining that to your parents :P
It'd be hard, since I have no license. :P Otherwise, as long as I'm not dead in some ditch on the side of the road, they don't care much.
Pick up all us peoples in Cali-forn-ia.
he lives closer to me, and i have my permit (h4x), so i could drive.
My friend MIGHT come! He said he'd ask for the days off.
The thing is, as long as I've known him (since grade 9, I'm in 4th year uni.. that's 8 years), he's never stayed away from his house overnight.
The only bands I want to see at Ozzfest are Sabbath and Maiden.
Drive to NY and pick me up, and then I'll drive the rest of the way... I won't break the law, I promise!
I can still meet you in minneapolis if needed, I have the cash for tickets and I can easily get a couple days of work off :)
Hmm, you want to go, and Joe wants to meet me there. But you two don't get along online. Uh oh!
Watch them beat eachother! They shall fight to the death fo iago's love!
Well, Mythix is much older and bigger than Joe. I don't think it would be a very fair fight..
Sure it would. It might be at my house if I'm home!
Give me the dates for it again and I'll see what happens, I'm pretty sure I can make it there via bus if you can meet me at the airport or something. Just get a sign that says "mythix" in binary and I'll know its you.
It's Auguest 7, I think. It's on a sunday, near that timeframe.
I can't have ya at my house to meet me ever, anymore. :( I'm out all day basically for football, basketball, vacation, or hanging with friends.