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Hey deadly... Use a PM!
Hey guys,
Major exam tomorrow, gotta study hard
Is it a final exam?
Quote from: iago on April 20, 2005, 11:40:24 PM
Hey guys,
Major exam tomorrow, gotta study hard
Just use a h4x to print all the right answers onto your paper when you press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CpsLk+Fn+Q+]+Ins+Del+PgUp+F5.
I use my graphing calculator to store answers/formulas and such. ;)
Yes, it's a final.
We aren't allowed calculators, but there aren't many formulas. And the formulas we need are all given to us.
It's all about the concepts :-/
I can see how that could be hard.
I've been studying for the last couple hours, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Good enough, in fact, that I stopped for lunch. The cafeteria I normally eat at (at St. Paul's College) is closed during exams (those assholes), but I found an open cafeteria in "University Center". Also, as it turns out, they have free WiFi. I love this school :D
Studying is for newbies. iago, you're a newbie.
Quote from: Newby on April 21, 2005, 10:27:34 AM
I use my graphing calculator to store answers/formulas and such. ;)
You cannot take any major tests ([P]SAT, STAR, etc) with any graphing calculator which has memory. They were pretty strict with us, because of the z80 programmers making programs specifically meant to cheat on tests (Darkness).
Quik, they allow the Ti* series calculators in the PSAT.
Quote from: RoMi on April 21, 2005, 10:04:52 PM
Quik, they allow the Ti* series calculators in the PSAT.
They didn't when I took it; several people have Signifigant Figures calculators and such, which are technically against the rules.
Yes RoMi... I have a TI-36X Solar ;/ TI just means Texas Instruments... so it can be pretty damn basic.
Uh, I meant TI-8*
I used a TI-83 on my P and SAT, nobody complaied.
I make programs on my TI-83+.
So do I. I made one in math the other day to solve a sequence for me because I was feeling lazy and sick :P
Yep, most of the kids (non complab people) don't know TI-BASIC so I usually make programs for them in my math class. Not that I'm bad at math though.