What is your favorite version of the enterprise?
The one where that guy is showering with that chick and he has a huge boner.
Of course, the first episode is the only one I've seen..
No, no, no, the ship itself, you know Enterprise-D was on TNG. A, B, C, D, or E.
The cool lookin one.
The one from the last episode of The Next Generation ("All Good Things") with the 3 nacelles!
Hmm, my favorite one is Voyager. Oh, wait.
Actually, in terms of real ones, I'd say the B because William Shatner "died" in it :)
Although crashing the D into the planet was pretty bad ass.
If anybody wants my opinion, which they don't I'd have to say E looks pretty cool :) and C is nasty too.
E, simply because of this (http://www.faries.com/michael/images/wallpapers/Enterprise-E_beautyshot10v2.jpg) picture.
Hahaha, nice picture #2 on Google Images.