The very first thing I ever painted was 11 Necromunda Redemptionists, back when the $60 for the box was a fortune. And I imagine they were awful. I repainted over it a couple years later. Then, I learned how to paint. They don't make that gang anymore, and I really liked them for sentimental reasons, so I went back, stripped the paint (Castrol SuperClean, iirc, this purple stuff that probably took years off my life, but worked extremely well), and, eventually, re-did them.
I'm just going to post the third and (hopefully!) final version of the various gang members here, with an embedded picture of what the second version ones looked like (I never got a picture of the first version, I was like 10). The pictures were designed for an album, so they probably aren't the prettiest format, but you'll get the idea:
(Click on the pictures for a bigger version)
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Deacon 1:
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Brother 1:
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Deacon 2:
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Brother 2:
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Brother 3:
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Brother 4:
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Brother 5:
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Brother 6:
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Brother 7:
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And here's a group shot with all of them:
Where's the neon pink?
Now which one is Bulbasaur?