Okay, here's the deal, and this is probably going to be the same rulesets in future challenges, if this one is successful. I'm going to post a picture, and two or three themes. You take any amount of these themes, and photoshop the picture to reflect these themes in humorous or entertaining ways. You may submit any number of photoshops, but please try to make them not suck. By suck, I mean don't do really quick awful looking edits. Put some effort into it. Sucky images will make you look bad, and we will all make fun of you.
At the end of the contest (three weeks?) everyone will be able to vote on the best three images. Whoever wins gets to help me pick the next challenge picture/themes (assuming this is successful). Everyone can participate, including me. Everyone will judge, including me. In the case of a tie, The previous winner and I will decide which is the best. Making a really funny joke is a good way to help your entry if you're not to good with editing tools.
All editing tools are allowed: Photoshop, Paint (Please don't), Corel (I'll laugh at you), Paint.Net, GIMP, etc.
Oh, and this is supposed to be for fun. Don't ruin peoples fun by telling them they suck, unless they make a whole bunch of bad images, then we shall all laugh.
This will probably be edited/copyed to the next thread (and this one, the rules are subject to debate), if its successful.
You may post images, discuss images, or discuss anything related to the challenge in this thread. Good luck.
Challenge #1
Themes: Hawaiian / Tikis / Tribes
I'd add, "you're encouraged to work off previous submissions", but that's just me. :)
Haha, Towelie paintshopped himself into the image.
Yeah, that's me on the wall. :P
So, Towelie, by default wins. Also, I'm canceling this.