Lessig, the man behind the Creative Commons license, speaks on copyright law and the dangers of it, and why it doesn't apply to the real world anymore and needs to be fixed.
The video is almost an hour long, but it's well worth the watch.
I watched the first 3/4s, gonna finish it tomorrow. I like what he says; he's a great speaker.
Quote from: iago on January 20, 2010, 05:08:32 PM
Lessig, the man behind the Creative Commons license, speaks on copyright law and the dangers of it, and why it doesn't apply to the real world anymore and needs to be fixed.
The video is almost an hour long, but it's well worth the watch.
An interesting coincidence. My gf sent me a link this morning that's apparently another one of Lessig's projects:
Quote from: Armin on January 21, 2010, 04:52:24 AM
I watched the first 3/4s, gonna finish it tomorrow. I like what he says; he's a great speaker.
He came to my school to speak on this a few days ago. His voice is butter to my ears.