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General Forums => Gaming => Topic started by: MysT_DooM on May 17, 2012, 12:51:49 PM

Title: Diablo 3
Post by: MysT_DooM on May 17, 2012, 12:51:49 PM
So who's playing?  I started out with wizard.

Battletag: Myst#1649
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on May 17, 2012, 01:07:09 PM
I've been dicking around a bit, but probably won't have much of a chance to play past this weekend. Pretty fun!
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 17, 2012, 01:26:16 PM
Maide#2730 is me
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Furious on May 17, 2012, 01:26:44 PM
I've got a 33 Demon Hunter and just started toying around with a Barbarian, pretty good game!

Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: iago on May 17, 2012, 07:17:32 PM
Stupid question.. what's with the #nnnn after everybody's names? Is it just to make it harder to remember, or does it serve an actual purpose?
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on May 17, 2012, 07:19:40 PM
I'm not sure why they decided to do it, honestly. I think it's to probably to prevent frustration due to your name of choice being taken.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Furious on May 17, 2012, 09:34:49 PM
Quote from: Sidoh on May 17, 2012, 07:19:40 PM
I'm not sure why they decided to do it, honestly. I think it's to probably to prevent frustration due to your name of choice being taken.

Pretty sure that's exactly why :P
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on May 17, 2012, 11:14:21 PM
Yeah... I guess it just seems a little stupid, though.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 18, 2012, 12:23:49 AM
Quote from: iago on May 17, 2012, 07:17:32 PM
Stupid question.. what's with the #nnnn after everybody's names? Is it just to make it harder to remember, or does it serve an actual purpose?

Basically you can choose (almost) any nickname for your account.  This nickname is called a 'battle tag'.  Once you've chosen your name, it'll automatically assign some numbers after it.  These numbers only show up when you're adding peoples to your friends list, or if there's two people with the same username in the same game.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on May 20, 2012, 01:35:45 AM
Also they banned 1337 as the numbers.  One of my friends had his #1337 and Blizzard changed it to #1335 on Thursday
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Chavo on May 21, 2012, 04:05:34 PM
I wouldn't mind, but it makes it incredibly difficult to add friends without talking to them at the same time over some other medium, or looking up their email address (and possibly guessing which one to use). 

There is no good equivalent, that I've found so far, to /b a Maide   :(
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 21, 2012, 05:30:02 PM
/friend add Maide#2730

That *might* work.  D3's chat does seem to be lacking a lot of functionality that I hope they add in future patches.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: MysT_DooM on May 21, 2012, 10:18:02 PM
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Hitmen on May 24, 2012, 02:50:20 PM
Made it through hell fairly easy as a wizard, but inferno is just ridiculous.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on May 24, 2012, 02:54:00 PM
I'm only in act 2 of hell as a wizard, but it's super easy. I never die and do too much damage, I think. At ~20K health, 3K damage, level 44.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 24, 2012, 02:59:15 PM
Barbarians are the weakest class in the game right now.  I can either not kill act1 inferno champion mobs, or it will take 5 minutes.  Basically I'm only good for taking damage and I can't really play do any solo play unless I just want to progress in the story.  Also I pretty much can't do *anything* in act2 inferno.  Good times.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Hitmen on May 24, 2012, 03:16:13 PM
Quote from: Blaze on May 24, 2012, 02:59:15 PM
Barbarians are the weakest class in the game right now.  I can either not kill act1 inferno champion mobs, or it will take 5 minutes.  Basically I'm only good for taking damage and I can't really play do any solo play unless I just want to progress in the story.  Also I pretty much can't do *anything* in act2 inferno.  Good times.
Eh, this is roughly my experience with a wizard as well. I think it is just stupid hard unless you were using one of the cheesy builds they just hotfixed to not work.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on May 24, 2012, 04:23:39 PM
35 monk a1 nm even though I beat a1 nm (wtf blizzard?)
I have amazing tank and fantastically bad dps.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: MyndFyre on May 25, 2012, 04:04:02 AM
Quote from: rabbit on May 24, 2012, 04:23:39 PM
35 monk a1 nm even though I beat a1 nm (wtf blizzard?)
Wow.  You just destroyed the English language more than Twitter.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on May 25, 2012, 10:39:34 AM
I did not.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Furious on May 29, 2012, 08:33:11 AM
Sitting at NM Diablo on my 46 ( I think ) DH.  My gear is pretty bad and he pretty much one shots me if I mess up at all.

Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on May 29, 2012, 12:07:50 PM
You're not supposed to be on Diablo until 50.  You don't even get to unlock Hell until 50.  So dumb.

And the drops in Hell A1 are vastly superior to the drops in NM A4, for no apparent reason.  I went from finding 100dps weapons in NM to finding 300 dps weapons in hell.  The jump is far greater than Norm->NM, and from what I'm told it's even bigger Hell->Inferno.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 29, 2012, 03:07:16 PM
Quote from: rabbit on May 29, 2012, 12:07:50 PM
You're not supposed to be on Diablo until 50.  You don't even get to unlock Hell until 50.  So dumb.

And the drops in Hell A1 are vastly superior to the drops in NM A4, for no apparent reason.  I went from finding 100dps weapons in NM to finding 300 dps weapons in hell.  The jump is far greater than Norm->NM, and from what I'm told it's even bigger Hell->Inferno.

AFAIK, here's how the tiers of gear work:

Inferno Act1
Inferno Act2
Inferno Act3
Inferno Act4

You have the highest chance to get loot from the current tier you are in, but you also have a small chance to get gear from one higher or lower from you current tier.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Armin on May 29, 2012, 03:40:28 PM
Do they have 1 week free trials for this game yet? I'd like to toy around with it when I get some free time in the near future.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on May 29, 2012, 03:44:43 PM
Yes, but you can only play up until the skeleton king, which is roughly an hour or two of play.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Hitmen on May 30, 2012, 01:06:42 AM
Quote from: Blaze on May 29, 2012, 03:07:16 PM
Quote from: rabbit on May 29, 2012, 12:07:50 PM
You're not supposed to be on Diablo until 50.  You don't even get to unlock Hell until 50.  So dumb.

And the drops in Hell A1 are vastly superior to the drops in NM A4, for no apparent reason.  I went from finding 100dps weapons in NM to finding 300 dps weapons in hell.  The jump is far greater than Norm->NM, and from what I'm told it's even bigger Hell->Inferno.

AFAIK, here's how the tiers of gear work:

Inferno Act1
Inferno Act2
Inferno Act3
Inferno Act4

You have the highest chance to get loot from the current tier you are in, but you also have a small chance to get gear from one higher or lower from you current tier.
Pretty sure drops are tied to monster level which in inferno is 61 in Act 1, 62 in Act 2 and 63 in Acts 3 and 4. In the lower difficulties monster levels vary across the act, presumably roughly with the expected leveling curve.

Also, I've basically hit a wall with act 3 inferno. Running in circles praying not to get 1 shot when you try to hurt things is only so much fun :(
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Furious on May 31, 2012, 04:24:54 PM
Quote from: rabbit on May 29, 2012, 12:07:50 PM
You're not supposed to be on Diablo until 50.  You don't even get to unlock Hell until 50.  So dumb.

And the drops in Hell A1 are vastly superior to the drops in NM A4, for no apparent reason.  I went from finding 100dps weapons in NM to finding 300 dps weapons in hell.  The jump is far greater than Norm->NM, and from what I'm told it's even bigger Hell->Inferno.

Ended up hitting 50 and waiting on my brother ( plays a Monk ) to catch up.  We ended up two manning and downed Diablo first time around.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on June 01, 2012, 06:50:59 PM
Almost to 60 on the wizard. I'm in A3 of Hell (previously I said I was in Hell - I meant, of course, Nightmare).

It's definitely getting more challenging, but that's great. Normal/Nightmare was a bit of a joke. It required almost no strategizing.

I'm at something like 50K health (which is probably pretty pitiful), and nearly 20K damage (which is probably not all that pitiful all things considered).
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on June 01, 2012, 09:12:48 PM
I'm A2 hell with 2.5k damage/20k health, and I'm having trouble, but I can find no gear at all to increase my damage without severely impacting my health, and vice versa (ie, +200 damage for -4k hp)
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on June 02, 2012, 02:18:24 AM
Are you using the auction house? Are you a barb?

The best thing you can do for damage is a weapon, regardless of your class. As you probably know, spell damage is based on weapon damage.

I should say that I'm just recently in A3 - e.g., just beat Belial.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on June 02, 2012, 09:24:55 AM
I have no gold and I'm a monk.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Sidoh on June 02, 2012, 11:06:20 AM
Where does all of your gold from monsters go? It seems like you can pretty easily pick up 50K just doing a small part of an act. Sell the good items you get on the auction house, and you'll have lots of money!
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: MysT_DooM on June 02, 2012, 08:14:02 PM
he spends all his money on dyes.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: rabbit on June 03, 2012, 11:59:58 AM
I die a lot :(
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Hitmen on June 05, 2012, 03:36:13 PM
I got bored so I started making a tool to help pick between similar items. Makes it easy to see how changes in vitality/armor/resistance affect your overall survivability. Going to add damage stats, and maybe skill comparisons if I get really unlazy.


(output looks reasonable but I haven't actually checked it yet!)
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Blaze on June 05, 2012, 05:42:12 PM
This also might be useful:
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Falcon on June 07, 2012, 05:20:59 AM
I just cleared A2 Inferno with my barb. The difficulty increase from A1 Inferno to A2 is huge! In A1 I can lure 3 elite groups to the warden and kill them all at the same time and solo down the butcher standing in the fire, but in A2 there are elites with certain affixes that are deadly that I have to skip, and the normal mobs hit so much harder.

Here's my stats which I believe is the minimum needed by a barb to clear A2 Inferno:
50k hp,
900 resist all
10k armor,
10k dps
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: Towelie on December 02, 2012, 05:44:07 PM
I played the trial. Good game, although I'm not sure if I should spend $60 right now to just distract myself :P
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: while1 on December 14, 2012, 09:34:31 PM
Quote from: Towelie on December 02, 2012, 05:44:07 PM
I played the trial. Good game, although I'm not sure if I should spend $60 right now to just distract myself :P

I wouldn't.  Especially with this time of year, has the Steam Christmas sale coming up.
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: nslay on April 29, 2013, 12:44:02 AM
So far, I think it's a higher resolution Diablo II. Very little has changed except for eye candy and some game mechanics. Also, rares really are rare in D3 (not so much in D2)!

It's good fun though and we have more character classes to choose from.

I'm disappointed though, I would like to be a 'Villager' or 'Farmer' ... and why not? Some martial arts and weapons supposedly evolved for farmers that needed to defend themselves ...
Title: Re: Diablo 3
Post by: nslay on May 04, 2013, 09:04:30 PM
Anyone else annoyed by the gem system?

Some of these are unattainable unless you have no life.