Clan x86

General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Joe on June 15, 2005, 08:31:19 PM

Title: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Joe on June 15, 2005, 08:31:19 PM
Interesting, I expected no's on both of these..

Quote[17:50:39] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: Can I please have your email address for tracking purposes?
[17:50:45] <Joe[x86]2> I don't have one.
[17:51:03] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: Ok, go ahead
[17:51:28] <Joe[x86]2> I'm a Linux user. Do you allow the use of chatbots on
[17:52:16] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: Chat clients or chat bots?
[17:52:31] <Joe[x86]2> Chat bots. Like ones that log on as Diablo II to chat in private channels.
[17:53:40] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: Ok, so we are fine with clients that allow you to log into Diablo II chat, as long as that is all they do.  We don't support them, but unless they go and start spamming, there should not be an issue.
[17:54:05] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: If you are just trying to chat, fine, if you are using the bot to spam info, then not so fine.
[17:54:26] <Joe[x86]2> Yeah
[17:54:37] <Joe[x86]2> Also, are we allowed to run the official clients inside compatabilty layers, such as WINE, to play in Linux?
[17:55:08] <KyleW.Support@Blizzard> Joe[x86]2@USWest: We don't support it, but if you can get it to work, then more power to you!
[17:55:21] <Joe[x86]2> Alright. Thank you.
[17:57:13] Joe[x86]2 was kicked out of the channel by a representative (Finished).
[17:57:13] a representative kicked you out of the channel!
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Blaze on June 15, 2005, 11:48:35 PM
Did it hurt?
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Joe on June 16, 2005, 08:25:57 AM
You know it!
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Nate on June 16, 2005, 08:44:25 PM
I always give them their name @HotManonManButtSechs.Com
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Warrior on June 16, 2005, 09:09:50 PM
I give him :P
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Blaze on June 16, 2005, 09:23:56 PM
I just laughed for 30+ seconds from those emails.  I HAVE to do something like that.
Title: Re: Chat Log in Blizzard Tech Support!
Post by: Sidoh on June 16, 2005, 10:43:26 PM
I saw a quote from hive that gave them =D