Clan x86

General Forums => Entertainment District => Topic started by: Darkness on June 20, 2005, 02:19:29 AM

Title: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 20, 2005, 02:19:29 AM
If you aren't a racist, you will buy this game. 69/10. Its sooo fun. You can shoot hos!
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 20, 2005, 02:21:43 AM
Oh and by the way, games are media, combine the forums...racists. jp
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Sidoh on June 20, 2005, 02:54:52 AM
I'm not much of one for these types of games, but I did enjoy it for the little time I played.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 20, 2005, 12:33:33 PM
ROFL. This thread is great.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Blaze on June 20, 2005, 12:36:52 PM
Racists like this game, you can shoot at black people.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: RoMi on June 20, 2005, 12:43:14 PM
You can pretty much shoot anything that moves and/or beat it to a bloody pulp.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 20, 2005, 02:32:20 PM
I'm picking it up today.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 20, 2005, 05:53:07 PM
I'll wait for the PC version.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Blaze on June 20, 2005, 07:17:11 PM
The PC version is out.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 20, 2005, 09:15:57 PM
Quote from: Blaze on June 20, 2005, 07:17:11 PM
The PC version is out.

I'll wait for someone to give me a link to a torrent.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 21, 2005, 04:18:30 AM
(lazy ass niggers, time to take out my rage with GTA)
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 21, 2005, 07:01:29 AM
I'll wait for me to get a new harddrive.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 21, 2005, 12:13:08 PM
Omg, this game fucking OWNS

It's 3x better than Vice City.

The only thing wrong with it is the user-based radio (you can listen to soundtracks on XBox) that you can't pick what you listen to.

Other than that, this game OWNS.

Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Blaze on June 21, 2005, 12:14:12 PM
Quote from: trust on June 21, 2005, 07:01:29 AM
I'll wait for me to get a new harddrive.
You sure are efficient. ::)
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 24, 2005, 12:22:20 PM
Wow. Once you unlock "turf wars", the fun in this game is increased 50 million fold.

It is so addicting. :O!!!!
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 24, 2005, 04:42:22 PM
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 24, 2005, 10:44:38 PM

On a side note, turf wars don't last very long. The second and third island suck balls. :(
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 25, 2005, 03:44:00 AM
as soon as you beat those islands, [spoiler]the turf wars are unlocked again[/spoiler] And there are lots to do on the other islands...for example, getting a [spoiler]jetpack, and all the horseshoes and oysters[/spoiler]. Plus its cool how chinese people aren't 100x smarter than the black people in this game. CJ makes suggestions to the chinese guys and they listen, instead of using the superior skills they gained by being forced to study while CJ learned to sell drugs as kids. If what's his name was smart, he would just shoot CJ and keep extra $$$ from the casino. How did CJ make friends with him so easily? In real life, the chinese person would do anything to beat CJ after being beat at the race. omg. so inaccurate.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 25, 2005, 02:16:59 PM
Yeah, I know what happens after you beat the islands again. (I have the strategy guide, came free with the game.)

I can't believe the Chinese people aren't smarter than the black people. It's so horribly inaccurate, you are right.

And CJ didn't deal drugs to kids. In fact, he doesn't even like drugs!

[spoiler]I can't believe Smoke and Ryder are sellouts. :([/spoiler]

On a side note, CJ made friends with [spoiler]Wu Zi Tu[/spoiler] (I think that's his name anyways) by [spoiler]beating him in that race in the Badlands.[/spoiler] (which took me forever to beat because I kept flipping my car. :'()
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: rabbit on June 25, 2005, 03:21:08 PM
Wu Zi Mu* (called Woozie, aparently)
Jetpack is a mission for Truth (sort of)
You can change the songs on the radio at will
So far Zero's final mission was the hardest
The mini-gun rapes everything
I stole a tank and it fits in the average garage
The chainsaw rocks
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 25, 2005, 08:09:16 PM
Yeah, it's Wu Zi Mu (or Woozie)
The Truth is a crazy stoner. O.o
I have to buy the property before I can do Zero's mission strand.
Mini-gun? WHERE?
I have a hockey mask to go along with it. ;)
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 26, 2005, 12:56:25 AM
There's a folder inside your documents. put shortcuts to the mp3s in there. n00b. radio los santos and wctr are the best!
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Sidoh on June 26, 2005, 01:02:18 AM
I've not played GTA: SA yet, but if it's anything like the others, it's really fun for about a maximum of a month and then you get really bored of it.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 26, 2005, 09:35:01 AM
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Blaze on June 26, 2005, 12:04:55 PM
I would NOT like you to send me a link to that via PM, please. ::)
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 26, 2005, 12:10:55 PM
Quote from: Darkness on June 26, 2005, 12:56:25 AM
There's a folder inside your documents. put shortcuts to the mp3s in there. n00b. radio los santos and wctr are the best!

XBox doesn't have that. n00b.

WCTR is great.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 26, 2005, 12:19:16 PM
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Blaze on June 26, 2005, 12:28:06 PM
Quote from: Newby on June 26, 2005, 12:10:55 PM
WCTR is great.
I liked VCPR better.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Warrior on June 26, 2005, 01:55:28 PM
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Quik on June 26, 2005, 03:21:05 PM
Quote from: trust on June 26, 2005, 12:19:16 PM

Did another Quik happen to give you a link to that?
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 26, 2005, 05:10:10 PM
VCPR would be good, but it isn't on this game.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 27, 2005, 10:22:15 PM
OMG THIS GAME ROCKS. I'm still in Los Santos or whatever it's called, I have to do the last C.R.A.S.H mission and the last of Sweet's missions. I've been playing turf wars some, but it's hard. Like, I'll get my five guys to come help me take over something and then they like..dissappear or run away or something. I've bought all the properties there, and I 'abused' my girlfriend Denise (I tried giving her flowers, but hit her instead.) Is she important?

What else can I do here? I've got 6.4 million, all the properties, and a good part of the turf (mostly Ballas turf, I'm afraid to attack the mexican guys) They roll deep and heavy. I know that [spoiler]I lose my turf later[/spoiler] so I don't really care about owning them all now...I just wanted to make myself semi-secure while I do stuff in the city. C'mon guys, what can I do!?

Also, I really don't like not being able to rob stores and stuff.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 27, 2005, 10:44:11 PM
ROFL N00B. I just pull out M4 and it goes bang and then they all die. I have almost all the turf now. Stupid Vagos are fucking me with their nubishness though.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: wires on June 28, 2005, 12:27:28 AM
Trust you sux.  What's the C.R.A.S.H. mission about again? :/ I might be able to help but I haven't played the game in quite some time.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 28, 2005, 02:25:56 AM
Quote from: SeRiW on June 28, 2005, 12:27:28 AM
Trust you sux.  What's the C.R.A.S.H. mission about again? :/ I might be able to help but I haven't played the game in quite some time.

It was easy, I had to kill the Russian guy. I went ahead and finished the missions and moved onto the badlands, I'll worry about the hoods later.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 28, 2005, 01:59:39 PM
ROFL OG Trust!!!1@!
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 28, 2005, 05:15:55 PM

And why am I still allowed into Los Santos? It was a sad thing, me  having a shootout with 3 Ballas IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE ON GROVE STREET. WTF?! GSF IS DOWN FO SHO
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 28, 2005, 05:19:58 PM
Daaamn. The PC version must be easy as Hell if Trust got this far this quickly...
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: rabbit on June 28, 2005, 08:55:23 PM
LIES!  I've had this since March and I still love it :D

You get turf wars back once you beat the game.
The mini-gun spawns outside Toreno's ranch when you complete all his missions, and you can pick it up in the "Black Project" mission
Radio: flip to another station (1 above/below), flip back.  Wait for it to turn red/orange, change it again, and back.  Song skipped.
You're allowed anywhere, dammit.  You even raid Area 51 ("Black Project" mission)!!
Los Santos sucks.  Las Venturas is where it's at.
The easiest way to win turf wars is to get your Hydra (Harrier) or Rhyno (tank) and just rape everything
There are 6 C.R.A.S.H. missions, they are Tenpenny's, I think.
Sand-Niggers suck at life.  Take their turf.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 28, 2005, 08:59:22 PM
Quote from: Newby on June 28, 2005, 05:19:58 PM
Daaamn. The PC version must be easy as Hell if Trust got this far this quickly...

I have over 20 hours of playing time, too. The money was easy to get, it took like 30-45 minutes so it was easy to just buy whatever guns/property I wanted. That helped me get through faster; since, for example, I didn't have to wait to raise 30k to buy Zero's shop.

I've only spent 400k since last night, so I don't think I'm going to _need_ anymore money. At least, I hope I don't.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Darkness on June 28, 2005, 10:54:04 PM
I beat the game but still haven't done Zero's missions :P
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 29, 2005, 02:29:26 PM
I just completed that mission where you plant bombs in the dam.

I got gold on everything in boat and bike school, though! ;D
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: rabbit on June 29, 2005, 03:55:54 PM
Bike school is the only one worth getting golds in (to get the NRG).  I have all golds except the Jump & Stoppie, which i have a 99% on (bastard perfectionists).
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 29, 2005, 05:38:31 PM
Are you guys going for 100% completion?
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 29, 2005, 07:29:09 PM
Man I suck at my joystick, and like...GTA doesn't recognize some buttons so when I'm flying for the pilots license (I can't get past the circling one!) I have to use my keyboard and joystick! :(
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 30, 2005, 02:24:20 PM
Sucker. The circle and land was hard as Hell. :/
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 30, 2005, 03:02:48 PM
Yeah. I got passed just circle (stopped using joystick, used keyboard..apparently joystick is too sensitive) but I can't get the stupid landing in circle and land. Grr.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 30, 2005, 03:53:53 PM
I wanna play, but I wanna watch my hard-drive get fixed. :(
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 30, 2005, 05:32:11 PM
Quote from: Newby on June 30, 2005, 03:53:53 PM
I wanna play, but I wanna watch my hard-drive get fixed. :(

Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 30, 2005, 05:39:56 PM
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 30, 2005, 05:50:19 PM
You said 'watch'...I don't get how you're WATCHING your HDD be fixed. That'd be elite if like WD had a thing where you could watch them pwnfix your hard drive.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: rabbit on June 30, 2005, 06:09:23 PM
PS2 Controller > Joystick
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 30, 2005, 06:29:19 PM
Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on June 30, 2005, 06:09:23 PM
PS2 Controller > Joystick

Yeah, I heard the PS2 controller makes the flying a lot easier. I don't have the plugin thing for PS2 Controller->Computer.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on June 30, 2005, 07:22:03 PM
XBox controller > PS2 controller.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Sidoh on June 30, 2005, 08:37:46 PM
Quote from: Newby on June 30, 2005, 07:22:03 PM
XBox controller > PS2 controller.

* > XBox Controller

As a wise one once stated:

Quote from: Maddox3. The controller is almost as big as my nuts.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on June 30, 2005, 10:56:21 PM
The last few desert missions rock! I don't really like the jet back, but whatever I don't have to use it again I don't think. Right now I'm buying all the Venturas property and then I'll start da missions yoz.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Towelie on July 01, 2005, 12:26:20 AM
<pirate>133337 I got mine to work on my computer </pirate>
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on July 01, 2005, 12:23:16 PM
You bastard Towelie. I'm stealing that from you when I get home!
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on July 01, 2005, 01:42:35 PM
Quote from: Newby on July 01, 2005, 12:23:16 PM
You bastard Towelie. I'm stealing that from you when I get home!

I could totally give you a link.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on July 01, 2005, 02:28:16 PM
Quote from: OG Trust on July 01, 2005, 01:42:35 PM
Quote from: Newby on July 01, 2005, 12:23:16 PM
You bastard Towelie. I'm stealing that from you when I get home!

I could totally give you a link.

O_O. I want it directly from Towelie, though.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on July 01, 2005, 03:55:35 PM
Man, no way I'm gonna beat this by tommorow. I'm doing the heist missions now.
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: Newby on July 01, 2005, 04:17:00 PM
Heh. I stopped at the Casino. I got bored. :(
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: rabbit on July 01, 2005, 05:18:41 PM
Quote from: OG Trust on July 01, 2005, 03:55:35 PM
Man, no way I'm gonna beat this by tommorow. I'm doing the heist missions now.
Heist are...not close to the end...
Title: Re: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Post by: trust on July 01, 2005, 07:50:49 PM
Quote from: R.a.B.B.i.T on July 01, 2005, 05:18:41 PM
Quote from: OG Trust on July 01, 2005, 03:55:35 PM
Man, no way I'm gonna beat this by tommorow. I'm doing the heist missions now.
Heist are...not close to the end...

I know. I had wanted to beat it before I go out of town tommorow, I'm obviously not going to.