Whats up with these?
None known.
Are they down? If not, nothing is up with them.
I mean why are they there?
Why not?
becuase the korean that died from too much starcraft said so!
exodus was one of the original battle.net servers used when they were hosted with AT&T, I thought it was disabled but maybe not.
Each of the servers were given a unique dns named after StarCraft characters long ago... You just found out about this now? lol.
No, I found out years ago, I just now brought it up.
Wait, Exodus was a StarCraft character?
Those are oldschool server names from the Days Longe Past. They used to use those many moons ago, before they got into the geographic distinctions. I believe they kept them around for backwards-compatibility.
I remember on Diablo 1 the servers being |Modem LAN 1| Modem LAN 2|Modem LAN 3, and you had an account number underneath your charectars name, anyone remember that?
I remember account numbers, but they were trashed. A good idea, but it didn't work out :)
Quote from: Mythix on August 13, 2005, 04:09:49 AM
exodus was one of the original battle.net servers used when they were hosted with AT&T, I thought it was disabled but maybe not.
I thought that they were still hosted by AT&T? Every time I connect it says "Welcome to Battle.net! This server is hosted by AT&T. We have blahblah number of people playing blahblah number of games at this time."
Quote from: deadly7 on August 13, 2005, 02:59:00 PM
Quote from: Mythix on August 13, 2005, 04:09:49 AM
exodus was one of the original battle.net servers used when they were hosted with AT&T, I thought it was disabled but maybe not.
I thought that they were still hosted by AT&T? Every time I connect it says "Welcome to Battle.net! This server is hosted by AT&T. We have blahblah number of people playing blahblah number of games at this time."
They are. However B.net needs to update that message considering Cingular (sp?) now owns AT&T.
I believe that Cingular only owns AT&T Wireless.
Does Blizzard host the WoW servers or did they commision someone else like AT&T?
I'm fairly confident that they own their own infrastructure. I'm sure they've contracted a lot of high-end network engineers (CCNE's) and things of that nature, but they do own their own servers, I believe.
Quote from: OG Joe on August 13, 2005, 04:29:35 AM
Wait, Exodus was a StarCraft character?
No, Exodus (I believe) was there to represent the exodus of the Dark Templar.