I asked to be called Joe at school. It didn't work.
They ask if you'd like a nickname or respect your wishes to have a nick name.
Just trust me. We're pretty easy going here.
Haha, sounds like fun
And I ended up getting called "Ron" in school without ever asking. Up until grade 7, I was "Ronald" to everybody. Then suddenly, one day, I was "Ron" to everybody except my family. *shrug*
If anyone finds out you will be made fun of for the rest of your life. Ha --- WAiting for the result of this story
Ok updated: went to apply for 12th and was wearing a patch with a fake scar under my eye and some "caked" blood geletin to add realness, my request to wear glasses was granted! Also, I put down on on my school application "Name: Josh".. with a note "Nick name: JayJay", I also explained my nickname and asked to be called it as I "don't like being called Josh", this was granted also.
Ok so Tuesday is the day to display.. wish me luck.
I tried to get my dad to write Joe down for my nickname. Grr.
I'm kind of nervous, if this goes wrong I could quite-possibly get my ass totally kicked.
Quote from: GameSnake on August 19, 2005, 10:40:55 PM
I'm kind of nervous, if this goes wrong I could quite-possibly get my ass totally kicked.
Or you could be mysterious. :)
Not understanding what this will prove. If it's a public school, they have to abide by your wishes, it's no question on wether they want it or not, it's the law.
If you really did have an injury to your eye, they'd have to make things as comfortable as possible for you. (Trust me, I know, to those who disagree).
What will it prove? It will prove I was some basic skills in general conning.
I could pull a practical joke half way into the year also.
If you really did have an injury to your eye, they'd have to make things as comfortable as possible for you. (Trust me, I know, to those who disagree).
That's what i'm exploiting in my method.
This is totally pointless, and it's going to make you look like an idiot. Have fun!
I actually agree with krazed!
No offence I hope you get caught and get your ass kicked.
Why is there such rudeness..
I'm scrapping this project because I actually also don't think it will work.
I'm closing this thread as a service to the mods, I ask the moderators to please not respond to this.