I forgot to post this yesterday!
Anyway, I was on my way to school on a busy street. The bus was stopped waiting to turn, and there was traffic coming. Some nub decides to try to run through traffic to catch the bus (keep in mind that this particular bus comes every 5 minutes (http://www.winnipegtransit.com/TIMETABLE/TODAY/60-OB/bottom.html) in the mornings.
Anyway, he proceeds to get hit by a car, putting a big dent in the hood and smashing the windshield. At this point, he gets up off the ground, and gets on the bus. Apparently getting to the University was so important he didn't mind getting hit by a car on the way.
There was a policeman or security guard or something that saw it happen, so he got on the bus and dragged the guy off. Was hilarious to see :D
And today I won't be on the forum till after school. I have some work to do on my laptop, if I can find somewhere to sit down and plug in. Maybe I'll go sit in on a random class :)
Haha, nice. I rebooted my laptop in the cafeteria at one of the Colleges (right by the dorms) and apparently I'm getting a fairly strong wireless signal. I can't trust that it's not monitored, since I'm paranoid, but at least I have a connection. This means that I have to install gaim on my school-only computer :/
Some newb got off the bus I was on, then proceded to get mowed down by said bus. It was hilarious :D
If you can dodge traffic you can dodge a ball!
We filmed a video of me getting hit and falling on my buddys carhood for this "jackass" type video we made, I should convert it to digital and upload it sometime :)
My friends being their BRILLIANT selves.
That's lame.
My friends and I pushed one of my friends (at his birthday party) in a chair just like that down his driveway off the curb into a car.
Afterwards, we aimed the chair appropriately down the street and he didn't hit a car. ;)
that's gay because your friends KNEW he would fall. My friend it would be perfectly fine to be pushed into to other room
Damn jews and their sense of saftety, BAH!
We have a couch in our back yard. I want to rope it to the van and drag somebody down the street.
Welcome to winter treding, we combine a sled, a rope, and a hitch to a F250 (plus the truck) and enjoy gravel roads at 50MPH jumping ditches. <3 Iowa.