Clan x86

General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Joe on March 30, 2006, 10:54:43 PM

Title: Impact World Tour @ Alliant Energy Center
Post by: Joe on March 30, 2006, 10:54:43 PM

Today through Sunday at the Alliant Energy Center Coliseum, a group of anti-drug people are.. doing cool stuff.

Tonight, I don't know what they did, but it's already over.
Tomorrow night @ 7PM there's going to be a Christian Metal concert by Death and Desire (I might be there with Travis / Tom)
Saturday night @ 7PM, GX International (skateboard / roller skate tricks) will be performing.
Sunday @ 4PM, Island Breeze is performing. They're breakdancers, I think.

They all stopped by our school today and it was AWESOME. My butt hurt like hell sitting on the gym floor for 45 minutes, but it was still awesome.

If anyone plans to attend, post! (PS: It's in Madison WI if you haven't caught on yet).