I've got an iMac I got from my high school, but it runs OS Kids. It doesn't want to read the CD-ROM on boot, so I'm not exactly sure what to do. It's specifically running Mac OS 8.6.
Jesus Christ, MacOS 8.6? Talk about retro.
I'm asuming you're running PowerPC, obviously, so you should go get a copy of Slackintosh or Ubuntu (Mac) and wipe the disk as a last resort. I don't know anything of the software itself so I can't help you other than that.
He said he can't boot to a CD.
Ah shit, I only realized that thinking he couldn't boot a MacOS install CD. My bad.
I don't know much about Mac firmware but is there something you could do with the "developers button" to format the harddrive or something?
Do you have a floppy drive? I doubt it, being an iMac and all, but I've got some system 7 floppies around here I think.
place the cd in the mac, start it up, and quickly hold "c". It should boot from the cd
Yeah, I tried that. Didn't work.
Remove teh hard drive. Its just a normal ATA drive. Throw it into a dos box, format it, and put it back in the imac. Then, put the cd in, and try to boot.
Well, I got it working. Slackintosh is installed. Anyway, what I ended up doing was booting holding c. It didn't work well. After the 8th try I got mad and whacked it on the side, and it went into the Slackintosh terminal :D
Quote from: rabbit on September 07, 2006, 07:23:56 PM
Well, I got it working. Slackintosh is installed. Anyway, what I ended up doing was booting holding c. It didn't work well. After the 8th try I got mad and whacked it on the side, and it went into the Slackintosh terminal :D
Sweet, the old iMac's have the Smack-A-Mac features implemented already! :P
Where'd you download Slackintosh? When I looked for it for my iMac every single download site was dead.
Oh, nice, they maintain it now! Last I remembered it was against (or whatever the term is) Slack 7.