Last night, I finally finished Wilbur, which completes my painting of the human-shaped characters in The Dunwich Horror (the dog, too). The only thing I'm missing now is the monster and some terrain, which I will be working on soon (once I make it to the store for glue and things). I'll post those in this thread when they're done, but that will likely be a little while, still, so I thought I'd get started.
For bigger versions of the pictures below, and pictures of my other Call of Cthulhu stuff (which is currently limited to a mislabled Nightgaunt :) ), have a look at this page (
Henry Armitage
This is Henry Armitage, the librarian at the Miskatonic University. He's the character that Lovecraft says he identifies with most, and is my favorite miniature of the bunch. He presented a couple interesting challenges (eyeglasses and holding a flask, for example) but I think he turned out well.
Old Whateley
This is Wilbur's grandfather and Lavinia's father. Note that the cement he's standing on has a crack running through it -- that's the first freehand I ever did. :)
Lavinia Whateley
When I started painting Lavinia, I hadn't read The Dunwich Horror in awhile. But despite it not being perfect, I did paint her poor and ugly which is what it was supposed to be:
Wilbur Whateley
Wilbur is Lavinia's son. He was described as having goat-like features, dark, yellow-ish skin, and dark eyes. Oh, and a chest like an alligator's, a back diebald coloured like a snake's (I tried to imitat a ball python a bit), a tail with purple rings, greyish-green tentacles from his stomach with red mouthes, pink eyes on his hips, and deer legs with black hair.
I tried to stick with HPL's description except where it got too crazy, but I drew the line at the red mouths and purple rings. That would have looked silly.
Note also that this was my first ever attempt at free-hand (not counting Old Whateley's base), so any comments on it would be appreciated.
Police Officer
I'm not 100 percent positive what he represents, but I suspect he's one of the police that came to the library after Wilbur broke in.
Guard Dog
I initially painted this dog thinking he was Lavinia's, so I painted him scruffy-like. It turns out that he's the guarddog from the university, so I guess they don't feed him well :)
Hope you enjoy them!
Awesome. The crack on the cement looks pretty good. :)
Well, it's been two months, but I'm finally done the structure of the Whateley house! I'm moving in just over a week, so I didn't want to start working on furniture and whatnot, when I get to doing that, I'll post more pictures.
This is the first first piece of terrain I ever built, so feedback would be great!
This is a front view of the house from The Dunwich Horror. I'll explain bits in more details as we get closeups.
Notice that the upper windows are boarded up. That's where the Monster (Brother Whateley) lives!
The ramp is from the story, it's used by Old Whateley and family to bring cows up to Brother Whateley. On the miniature, it's detachable, and some miniatures can stand on it.
This is the floor where Brother Whateley lives. The walls have been torn down (except those around the center), and all but one door is boarded up.
This is pretty boring since it's unfurnished. The bedrooms are along the left, the kitchen/dining room on the bottom-right, and the study on the top-right. The big open area is the living room.
Also notice the porch out front. I thought that was an important feature from the movie.
Old Whateley and Wilbur Whateley are leading up their cows (which have gone white.. err, silver in fear!) to be eaten by Brother Whateley. Dinner time!
Old Whateley and Wilbur watch as Brother Whatley devours the cows. Eat them up, yum!
Henry Armitage (the librarian) and his security guard are at the door. This could be trouble!