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Messages - zorm

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General Discussion / Re: Leopard shipped bugged
« on: December 07, 2007, 01:53:20 pm »
The innovation going on today? Do you mean the research being done by universities, or the race to make the cheapest products? Because research done by universities isn't financially motivated (in the sense that, if financial motivation were to disappear, they would still be doing it), and the race to make cheapest products isn't something I like.

Or by "innovation" you might mean marketing. Every company wants their product to seem like the best, so they make small changes, advertise it as something groundbreaking, and people are left with the impression that the new product is better than the old one.

Why don't you like the race to make the cheapest products? I guess you're willing to spend $5,000 to buy a computer with a 300mb harddrive, 4mb of memory and a 16Mhz processor?

The computer market is a really nice example of the fact that this works.

What happens when you reach the point that prices can't be lowered anymore? You get a Coke vs. Pepsi situation and perfect competition. Everyone wins.

Maybe your Canadian schools are special but from my experiences and what I've read about the experiences of others, schooling will generally show you why "teamwork" doesn't work. One person will end up doing 90% of the work while everyone else reaps the rewards.

This is why capitalism works and so many people like it, when one person does 90% of the work they get 90% of the rewards. It also doesn't prevent teamwork, so instead of forcing people to play nice and getting crap as output you get people who want to work together and awesome outputs.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: December 03, 2007, 02:01:31 pm »
"When you try to use science to prove religion things start to get dicey"

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday Explicit!
« on: December 02, 2007, 10:02:11 pm »
No happy birthday for me?
Well fuck you very much.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 24, 2007, 07:58:24 pm »
That just means you need to act faster in the meeting -> dating step.

She was taken when I met her and it all got really messy after that =/
But yeah probably so

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 24, 2007, 07:02:45 pm »
I seem to be stuck in the friend zone, its depressing.

I've pondered hanging a noose on campus here. Just because it'd be amusing as fuck to watch people freak out.

I'm also reasonably sure thats its only a matter of time before a high court starts bitch-slapping people over this. It should be easy to make the case for this being protected speech.

General Discussion / Re: Cop pulls over car b/c "4 black men in car"
« on: November 24, 2007, 02:20:32 am »
3) Black people driving nice car at 1am?  OF COURSE that's suspicious, lol

Around here they're called football players...

The officer did nothing wrong.

He doesn't have to be read his rights because the officer isn't questioning him. Infact the officer is still trying to gain control the situation.
You could easily be in a situation where you sit in jail for a few days before they get around to reading you your rights...

The officer also told him why he was going to jail, and we had this argument before about the reason he gave him. Its a perfectly valid reason.

This is another prime example of why you should be calm and relax. If the guy hadn't been stupid and tried to move back towards his car he probably wouldn't have gotten tasered.

Man did you hear about the guy in Texas? He dialed 911 because people were burglarizing his neighbors house and told the 911 operator he was going to kill them. He apparently left the phone on and went outside and fire a warning shot and told them to freeze. Three shotgun blasts later and there were two dead buglars!

Talk about awesome!

General Discussion / Re: 2 girls 1 cup ... NOT SAFE FOR WORK
« on: November 18, 2007, 06:20:53 pm »
It amazes me how this stuff makes it way across the internet. It seems to start with the bottom feeders and scum suckers on IRC and then slowly progress outward from there...

General Discussion / Re: Soldier dies of apparent suicide
« on: November 17, 2007, 05:56:25 pm »
I think in general that governments and militaries are handling it the best they can. It is something that is a relatively new phenomenon after all..

General Discussion / Re: Airport screeners missed bomb parts
« on: November 16, 2007, 03:41:40 am »
I agree with Ergot. Seriously, airport security is such a pain in the ass and yields such crappy results.. I was watching The Today Show last week and there was a story about how, even when TSA officials at certain airports were ALERTED that there would be screeners coming and given their data, they still missed the bombs and screeners.  Fail at life much?

You're right, they do fail at life. They're only trying to do the impossible.

The clear solution here is to just make everyone strip naked before going into secure areas, and with no carry on items. The expensive ass metal detectors and x-ray machines can be replaced with boxes of latex gloves so that the security personal can conduct cavity searches.

Oh, and you have to take a polygraph test before you get to this point. So that they can you know ask you if you plan to fly the plane into a building...

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 14, 2007, 11:26:39 am »
I R Sleepy. But this is basically the last day of class for me before Thanksgiving!

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / Re: Frozen accounts
« on: November 13, 2007, 05:44:04 pm »
hahaha yes, Joe is a man, but he is a half-jobless man. He hardly ever has any money. It's kind of upsetting. Especially when he uses the money he gets for gas to buy guitar strings and such.

So do your job as the girlfriend and roll up a newspaper.. Everytime he does something stupid *smack*.

General Discussion / Re: MySpace suicide story
« on: November 13, 2007, 05:36:28 pm »
Pretty sad stuff, but meh.  This kind of shit happens.

Also, the article says that she would have been 14, but the caption under the picture says 15...

This is a story that happened about something a year ago.
They almost got me too when they mentioned that her parents took away who first myspace account, but then let her have another one 'weeks' before her 14th birthday and that then she killed herself 'weeks' before her 14th birthday.

Also, I'm pretty sure this is a prime example of natural selection..

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