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Messages - d&q

Pages: 1 ... 69 70 [71] 72 73 74
Entertainment District / Re: Acronyms
« on: November 17, 2005, 09:01:41 pm »
aeidlcamdgo: All Elephants idle daily? Lies! Cant Armadillos master daddling?? Great one..

sjkhe: Sexual Jurisdictional Knowledge Healing Echidnas.

aocd: Argh! Ostriches can't dance!

pkajd: Please, Keep away jennifer's dogs.

DeuceNQuota: Desirable Egrets United: Creating enticing nuisance quotas underground only toward ants.

Roflcopter: Ron owns flaming lazy cougars, or politely traps enthralling rodents?

General Discussion / Re: For You Math Wiz-Kids
« on: November 16, 2005, 11:29:13 pm »
 :-\ Reminds me of last year's math homework...

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 16, 2005, 08:43:25 pm »
Not reach infinite, be infinite.  :o

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 16, 2005, 05:10:24 pm »
There are varying levels of infinity. Numerically, as in counting from 1, 2 ,3, 4 etc, they are infinity, but cardinally, as in {1, 2, 3, ...}, integers are greater. I believe they are alaph numbers..

[Edit]: Whoops, Aleph* Numbers

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 15, 2005, 10:41:44 pm »
Basically, its that you can only arrange nothing in one way.

Graphics / Re: My new art piece (uber paint skills)
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:15:10 pm »
That looks really good!I personally don't like the choice of colors, but other than that, it's great!

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 15, 2005, 03:11:17 pm »
Wrong  :-*! 0! = 1.

iago's forum / Re: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
« on: November 14, 2005, 09:38:23 pm »
Really warm here  :). 71 Degrees Fahrenheit. I believe it hasn't snowed in FL since the 1980's, and that was up by the panhandle...

General Discussion / Re: Everyone is Jewish!
« on: November 13, 2005, 10:36:11 am »
According to the Jewish/Christian creation (Genesis) and the Jewish law, everyone is a Jew.

1) God created Adam and Eve. What religion were they? The only religion there was, Jewish.
2) They had children. Weather or not they practiced Judiasm, according to Jewish law, seeing as how they had a Jewish mother (Eve), they were Jews.
3) Adam and Eve's grandchildren had Jewish mothers (see #2).
4) Repeats itself over and over, until we get to Noah and his wife, who were Jews.
5) Again, this repeats itself until we get to right now, where we are all decendants of Noah and his wife, and in turn Adam and Eve. We are all Jewish.


Adam and Eve were nonreligious (they communed with God directly and did not have to follow a set of "practices").  The nation of Israel was not founded until Abraham.  There were many descendents and tribes before Abraham.  (The nation of Israel is God's fulfilled promise to Abraham that he will be the founder of a great nation).

 :-[ I was just about to say the same thing.

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:23:47 pm »
Haha, 5/7 does repeat  :), there is as cool little pattern to know what any x/7 repeating decimal is.

@iago, Actually, I believe irrational numbers do not contain rational numbers, as irrational numbers cannot be written as "a/b".

Gaming / Re: Neopets!
« on: November 10, 2005, 09:19:20 pm »
Shit Sidoh, my mother was behind me  :'(.

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 10, 2005, 06:15:18 pm »
rabbit: What do you mean Pi itself is a function?

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 10, 2005, 04:31:17 pm »
In case there's some question about whether i is a number:
- We know that x + 1 = 0 is a valid equation; however, if we only had regular "counting" numbers available, we couldn't solve it.  We would have to invent a concept of negative numbers, which we are all comfortable with .
- Then we have the equation x2 + 1 = 0.  It also had no solution without inventing the concept of imaginary numbers.
--> Imaginary numbers are negative numbers are both pretty abstract.  We can't see or touch either, but they seem to be numbers in a purely mathematical sense. 

My argument for both infinity and i is their placement in the number system.

Number System:

All  Numbers-
      Imaginary Numbers- Numbers using the quantity i[/i(Complex Numbers). i defined as being the square root of -1.
      Real Numbers- A number that can be expressed on a number line.
           Irrational Numbers- A number that cannot be written as a result of the calculation: a/b.
           Rational Numbers- Can be written as a result of the calculation: a/b. This includes repeating decimals, such as 5/7 or 1/3.
                Integer- A number that is in the set of Natural numbers, 0, and the negatives of the natural numbers.
                    Whole Number- A number is in the set of Natural numbers, and 0.
                    Natural Number- A number in the set [1, 2, 3, 4, ...]

This is by no means the entire set of numbers, just what I think of when I thinking about what a particular value is. Since i fits, it's a number, and since ∞ does not, it is not a number.
Ok, so the next question is, is 0 a number?  It seems that 0 is just a placeholder.  Doesn't "0" represent the lack of a number, not an actual number?

I agree that zero is a lack of a number, but for practical uses, we have to regard it as a whole number.

If 0 is a number, is it even or odd?  What is the definition of even and odd that shows that 0 is even? Can it be shown that 0 also fits into the odd category?

An even number is a number that can be expressed as (2*x). Seeing that 2*0=0, 0 is even.

Is the 0 in 2304 the same as the number 0?  How are they related?

The 0 in 2304, means that in base 10, the second place, which is 10^1, has no value. 0 used in that text means that in whatever place it is, regardless of base, it means that that particular place has no value.

What is x in 2x = 6? Is it a number?  It doesn't look like a number, but to anybody with more than a few years of math experience, it's immediately obvious that it's 3.  If x can be considered a number, is it possible that our definition of numbers isn't as clear as we think?

x in 2x=6 is a variable. It is a symbol used to represent a quantity. In this case however, the hidden value "x", is 3. Which is a number.

What about x in 0x = 6? Is x still a number?  Any number, real, rational, irrational, imaginary, etc. can be place in front of the x.  But when the number 0 is, x no longer has a value.  It seems like 0 isn't behaving as a number here.

In this case, x cannot be defined, as we cannot divide by zero. 

Or, is there a case for considering 1/0 to be a number?  Is the result infinite or undefined? Why? Is there a case for looking at it either way?

I like to view it in baby terms. Lets say we have "1" of something. If we divide it upon 0 people, has it been divided at all, or has it been divided to 0 people, but just in unknown quantities? I had to look this up, and this is what wikipedia said:

Division: 0 / x = 0, for nonzero x. But x / 0 is undefined, because 0 has no multiplicative inverse, a consequence of the previous rule. For positive x, as y in x / y approaches zero from positive values, its quotient increases toward positive infinity, but as y approaches zero from negative values, the quotient increases toward negative infinity. The different quotients confirms that division by zero is undefined.

I think this is the most important question of all:
How are 0 and infinite related?  Think about how to get the result of infinite in a finite equation.  The only way to get it is to use a 0.  This means that 0 and infinite are related, and that infinite can be derived from 0.  Because, as it was already discussed here, infinite isn't a number, does that show that 0 isn't either? 

The only possible way I could think to produce ∞ from an equation would be x*0=0. But as that is undefined, I do not see any other way.


Whew! That was long post  :P.

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 09, 2005, 09:21:12 pm »
But it can be expressed as an irrational number, which is what I think counts. I also view i as a number, because it can be defined as the square root of -1.

General Programming / Re: [JAVA] Calculate Pi!
« on: November 09, 2005, 08:15:40 pm »
Yes, because it can be expressed as an irrational number.

[Edit]: Whoops, didn't see Ender's post.

[Edit #2]: Actually, sometimes I refer to imaginary numbers as "a number". By imaginary, I mean a complex number with a coefficient of i.

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