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Messages - Quik

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 12, 2008, 09:21:22 pm »
i am a newb when it comes to photoshop so i am still learning how to save things properly and such. if i learn how to do it i will do it.
If saving things is an issue for you, I highly suggest you google some tutorials or something.. Yikes.
hahah i am just too lazy to go through the hastle of all these windows. and if i wanted to save it as a jpeg i couldn't redo the layers i had done.
but i saved some photos as Jpeg and i like it for convience but at an editing standpoint its a pain.

I understand what you're saying though.. if you're just working on a project and don't want to save the PSD. Just learn to name things so you'll remember what they are..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 11, 2008, 10:16:12 pm »
Why do you want to view PSD files? Save them as real images. Keep the PSD around to edit, but you should be able to tell what it is by the name. I don't see the practical use..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 11, 2008, 08:28:41 pm »
boo shoulda gone D300 :[

kidding. nice camera. now for lenses :p

I've seen good things from the 28-80mm.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 09, 2008, 02:52:26 am »
lol photoshoot of some stock looking civics :p sweet!

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 08, 2008, 01:51:36 pm »
This isn't targeted at anyone, but I really annoyed when people say, "you know that's going to kill you one day?" or "you know that causes cancer?" Thank you very much, everyone who smokes is 100% aware of the consequences of smoking and obviously that isn't going to make them stop.
Even more reason to say it!

I agree with him. You know what's going to kill you faster then smoking? Me, shooting you in the face for saying that to me for the millionth time. I don't wanna hear it, asshole.
Well then, just don't smoke near me! And don't smoke in the fucking doorway, ughhhhhh if I have to breath that shit in when walking in and out of any public building then the smoker can deal with me being an asshole to them.

Don't know about the laws by where you live, but it's pretty strict here to not allow smoking within 20 feet of the entrance of a public building.

Smokers have had so much of their freedom taken away from them, they're stuck in the "smoking sections" most places. If you don't like being around smokers, don't go into their sections. And if you're going to walk through a group of smokers, don't cover your mouth and walk like you have a stick up your ass, and then sigh after you get through like "oh my god that was the worst thing I ever had to do". You'll get over it.


Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who doesn't smoke. I have in the past, but I just have some pet peeves with people doing stupid things.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 07, 2008, 09:29:20 pm »
This isn't targeted at anyone, but I really annoyed when people say, "you know that's going to kill you one day?" or "you know that causes cancer?" Thank you very much, everyone who smokes is 100% aware of the consequences of smoking and obviously that isn't going to make them stop.
Even more reason to say it!

I agree with him. You know what's going to kill you faster then smoking? Me, shooting you in the face for saying that to me for the millionth time. I don't wanna hear it, asshole.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 06, 2008, 01:29:34 am »
37 hours without a cigarette  I'm prepared to murder for one, at this point.

You've got to be kidding me.. I doubt you smoked more then I used to, and it's been a few days for me and I am only experiencing medium cravings and stress levels. It's not that hard to quit, it's not going to kill you. Quite the opposite, actually.

We should study you more closely, apparently your experiences are the only experiences which matter. 

Of course. And why are your hands on a keyboard? They should be on the ground, while you're bowing to me. What's going on?

I was just trying to give my opinion on the "addiction". Yeah, it really is an addiction. But it's not crack.. the majority of people can get over it relatively easily. If you're dying that much, get some patches or gum or something.

Ender.. it's probably too complicated for you to understand if you've grown up hating it, haven't tried it, etc.

Sometimes, it's part of a culture. Often times it's encouraged by friends. Maybe it's something to do.

Most people start smoking with the expectation that they won't be smoking their whole life. That's because it's not that hard to quit, and most people assume that they will quit before it drastically affects their health.

This is only my opinion and what I've seen, though. Some people, like Warrior, will listen to it and take it to heart. Others won't care. So take it with a grain of salt. Or something.

My point was that there are people with wildly different experiences than the one you describe. It is foolish to state that because you've gone through something a certain way, that others go through it the same way.

This is not something you can dispute.

No, I don't think it's foolish. I've talked to plenty of people about it, and I've never had anyone describe it as being as difficult as rabbit was implying. Like I said, it's not crack.

His habbits may differ from yours, he may not have the willpower, or he may be affected in a different way by the addiction. There are plenty of factors that contribute to the success or failure of quitting an addiction, acting as if there is only one possible reaction to have to something which is affected by so many factors is indeed foolish.

I know you like to build yourself up as this all-knowing guy who has lived life, but it does not suit you in this case.

No, I understand it affects different people different ways. But as far as addictions go, I don't think nicotine can ever get to such a point where you'd be driven crazy and "murder for one".

Yeah, I love making people think I'm mature and experienced. I've done everything and know how everyone else feels about everything.

No, it's just that I happen to be quitting at the same time and would like to give my insights to it..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:29:30 am »
37 hours without a cigarette  I'm prepared to murder for one, at this point.

You've got to be kidding me.. I doubt you smoked more then I used to, and it's been a few days for me and I am only experiencing medium cravings and stress levels. It's not that hard to quit, it's not going to kill you. Quite the opposite, actually.

We should study you more closely, apparently your experiences are the only experiences which matter. 

Of course. And why are your hands on a keyboard? They should be on the ground, while you're bowing to me. What's going on?

I was just trying to give my opinion on the "addiction". Yeah, it really is an addiction. But it's not crack.. the majority of people can get over it relatively easily. If you're dying that much, get some patches or gum or something.

Ender.. it's probably too complicated for you to understand if you've grown up hating it, haven't tried it, etc.

Sometimes, it's part of a culture. Often times it's encouraged by friends. Maybe it's something to do.

Most people start smoking with the expectation that they won't be smoking their whole life. That's because it's not that hard to quit, and most people assume that they will quit before it drastically affects their health.

This is only my opinion and what I've seen, though. Some people, like Warrior, will listen to it and take it to heart. Others won't care. So take it with a grain of salt. Or something.

My point was that there are people with wildly different experiences than the one you describe. It is foolish to state that because you've gone through something a certain way, that others go through it the same way.

This is not something you can dispute.

No, I don't think it's foolish. I've talked to plenty of people about it, and I've never had anyone describe it as being as difficult as rabbit was implying. Like I said, it's not crack.

Quik, I am open-minded. (Of course, that doesn't change the fact that long-term smoking does cause lung cancer.)

I think I see what you're saying. It definitely is a part of culture, albeit a bad part of culture. For instance, sometimes it's nice to hang out on the front steps on a cool night without really doing much of anything. But if you were to do this, in a completely idle manner, (i.e. doing nothing but sitting on the steps like Confucius), you would be viewed as somewhat weird -- you'd be hard to comprehend. Some people may judge you as being depressed. Others may view you as creepy. So our culture found a fix to this: if you're seen outside at 10PM smoking a cigarette, people wouldn't think twice about it. They may think you have an unhealthy habit, but they wouldn't puzzle about you and say things like you're depressed, creepy, awkward, out-of-place -- it would be familiar to them. It's similar for parties, too.

Of course, that does not justify it. You can just part with culture without picking up an unhealthy habit. More specifically, I object to smoking because:

[1] It's not worth the risk of addiction. (Even though I've never smoked before, I think I can say with some certainty that you downplay the effect of nicotine addiction. After all, it is a matter of neuroscience, which is probably more reliable than a single person's judgment.)
[2] Even if you do it for a few years and then quit, the process of quitting can interfere with your life in a very destructive way.
[3] I don't like the principle of giving in to the destructive aspects of society in order to conform. I think that most people who smoke probably wouldn't call it 'conforming', out of their own self-love, but that's really what I see it as. You are risking your health in order to acquire some vain social advantages. (The goal of acquiring transient pleasure is different -- I wouldn't call it conformity -- but it is just as nonsensical, because of [1] and [2].)

Sorry that this post is long-winded. I'm just interested in the reasons why people smoke.

Having never tried it, you don't seem to realize the satisfactions people get from smoking..

It's not just a habit. Sure, it's something to do. It's an activity to make you not look weird as you go for a walk at midnight.. But also, it provides mental stimulation. It has a relaxing effect, can make the user feel lightheaded, more easygoing in social situations, and overall less stressed out.

I agree, it's a habit that's not worth the side effects, but I have a problem with people who make assumptions and judge people based on some decisions such as whether to smoke or not.

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure everyone who smokes knows it causes lung cancer, as well as many other problems. It's not a surprise, you don't need to keep mentioning it.

Really though, enough about smoking. It's junking up this thread, hah!

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:58:18 pm »
37 hours without a cigarette  I'm prepared to murder for one, at this point.

You've got to be kidding me.. I doubt you smoked more then I used to, and it's been a few days for me and I am only experiencing medium cravings and stress levels. It's not that hard to quit, it's not going to kill you. Quite the opposite, actually.

We should study you more closely, apparently your experiences are the only experiences which matter. 

Of course. And why are your hands on a keyboard? They should be on the ground, while you're bowing to me. What's going on?

I was just trying to give my opinion on the "addiction". Yeah, it really is an addiction. But it's not crack.. the majority of people can get over it relatively easily. If you're dying that much, get some patches or gum or something.

Ender.. it's probably too complicated for you to understand if you've grown up hating it, haven't tried it, etc.

Sometimes, it's part of a culture. Often times it's encouraged by friends. Maybe it's something to do.

Most people start smoking with the expectation that they won't be smoking their whole life. That's because it's not that hard to quit, and most people assume that they will quit before it drastically affects their health.

This is only my opinion and what I've seen, though. Some people, like Warrior, will listen to it and take it to heart. Others won't care. So take it with a grain of salt. Or something.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 05, 2008, 07:59:50 pm »
37 hours without a cigarette  I'm prepared to murder for one, at this point.

You've got to be kidding me.. I doubt you smoked more then I used to, and it's been a few days for me and I am only experiencing medium cravings and stress levels. It's not that hard to quit, it's not going to kill you. Quite the opposite, actually.

Entertainment District / Re: Movies you want to see?
« on: November 04, 2008, 01:50:32 pm »
Only Transporter 3, for me.  If you haven't watched them yet (they are old), check out Oldboy and Lady Vengeance (in that order).  They are amazing Korean movies.

Don't forget Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. (Chan-wook Park is awesome.)

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: November 03, 2008, 02:54:12 am »

No Physics 101 offered in the spring! FUCK FUCK FUCK

Now I have to find a 4-credit lab science to take... fuck no to Chem 101, that's at 8AM in the morning. Fuck no.

Stupid B.S. degree requires me to take two 4-credit lab sciences. Already taken Biology 101... need to take another 4-credit lab science. Fuck. Fuck.

I think you missed a few fucks.  Here you go: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.  Feel better?

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: October 25, 2008, 12:26:10 am »
It's Friday, you know what that means!
Saw 5?

No, that looks horrible.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:28:05 pm »
It's Friday, you know what that means!

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: October 20, 2008, 07:37:52 pm »
Damn, you lucky bastard. Brian Regan is hilarious, especially his old stuff.

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