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Messages - deadly7

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iago's forum / Re: On year...
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:28:32 pm »
I had posters regret. It seemed a little corny after the fact. I guess I was wrong!
I told you in another thread -- the ability to do math is a scary concept for 'merica! That's why Joe now reveres you. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Will you be raptured (flow chart)?
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:25:30 am »
I think the news stations really ought to explain why numerological predictions are never accurate (except by chance). I like how Camping associates some length of time after crucifixion to [latex](5 \times 10 \times 17)^2[/latex], numbers that are artificially associated to unrelated ideas. Gee, why not [latex](5 + 10 + 17)^2[/latex] or [latex]\log(5 \times 10 \times 17)[/latex]. The Mayan Calendar doomsday is another example loosely associated to numerology (base 20 digits flipping over in their calendar system).
Where the fuck do you live where news stations even understand that nonsensical thing that looks like mathematics? Sure as shit is not the grand ol U S of A..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:57:44 am »
I assume that isn't a reference to a nasty cheap beer here called that. :)
If it is, it's only ironically that Armin does that. keke.

General Discussion / Re: The End of Personal Computing is Near ...
« on: May 13, 2011, 11:21:50 am »
iPad is not a thin client or dumb terminal.
I think you missed the blatant sarcasm... I just think all of these "professional analysts" (read: paid shills) that proclaim 'The end of the PC is near!!!!!' every time someone releases a new computer is tiresome.

General Discussion / Re: The End of Personal Computing is Near ...
« on: May 13, 2011, 08:21:08 am »
You're so 2011. Personal computing already died because of His Holyness' iPad 1.0 release last year.

General Discussion / Re: Question: Indians or Native Americans
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:55:11 pm »
I don't agree with your analysis.  I think it's the offense people take to a racial slur that's to blame, not the slur itself.

There's no intrinsic derogatory value in a word; its offensiveness is arbitrary.

People need to stop being so fucking sensitive.  I find it hilarious that the only people that seem to care about racial slurs are white people.  Asians crack asian jokes.  My girlfriend thought this T-shirt was absolutely hilarious and wanted to buy one:


It's stupid.  Stop getting offended for people.  It's their business, not yours.

I love when white people try to convince me something should offend me.


deadly, forgive me, but are you indian? I dont generally know/recall what races/ethnicities (I dont know the difference) everyone here is, but I seem to recall dot-Indian.
Yeah. I'm Tony Singh from Dell Tech Support. Perhaps you've called me? I try to minimize my accent; how am I doing?

General Discussion / Re: Question: Indians or Native Americans
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:43:23 pm »
I dunno. I asked my gf once (she was referring to indian something, so I asked "dot or feather?"), and she said that was offensive. I guess in her line of work it'd be offensive (psychology...trying to make everyone feel un-judged and whatnot), but IRL, I think the question isnt all that offensive.

Tell your girlfriend:
I love when white people try to convince me something should offend me.

And then see how utterly indignant she gets as a white person. I guarantee mad luls will ensue.

Note: this may or may not have been based on previous experiences.

General Discussion / Re: WWDC 2011
« on: May 12, 2011, 12:08:14 pm »
I'm jealous!

<edit> Oh, I googled it, it's food. Nevermind.

HAAHAHAHA. Post of the day.

General Discussion / Re: Bin Laden down
« on: May 10, 2011, 02:25:02 am »
Very few of those people actually think that, and those that do could probably be convinced otherwise with a short conversation.
You haven't met extreme bigots have you? Ask drake to chime in, seeing as to how he's in Texas. But even here in Minnesnowta I've run into plenty of them.

General Discussion / Re: Question: Indians or Native Americans
« on: May 07, 2011, 02:39:49 pm »
Apparently that is also offensive. WTF?

/joking, kinda

I've met feather-indians and dot-indians that also ask/are amused by the question. However, gf in "multicultural bullshit" class has informed me that question is offensive.
I love when white people try to convince me something should offend me.

General Discussion / Re: Question: Indians or Native Americans
« on: May 06, 2011, 01:13:37 am »
I have the solution.

Dot or feather?

As an Indian I dislike having Columbus' fail geography be the sole reason that people are called Indian. Then again, because of globalization, cultural lines are extremely blurred to the point where it makes little sense to still be differentiating. If we have to call them something though, I would opt with "native american" or "native".

General Discussion / Re: Klondike bar sexist/homophobic commercials
« on: May 05, 2011, 03:23:27 pm »
That website is awesome. I now have something to laugh at this summer.

General Discussion / Re: Bin Laden down
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:35:07 pm »
GOP = GFP come 2012 (Grand Fucked Party). Unless Obama's caught murdering someone with his bare hands, he's got this in the bag.

General Discussion / Re: Noise-Cancelling Headphones
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:13:21 pm »

These guys know their headphones. They're all audiophiles.
Precisely the kind of people I don't need advice from.. Sound quality is not a huge concern of mine, or even a moderate concern, in this instance. I'd much rather the best noise cancelling function. Still I'll check it out though.

General Discussion / Re: I'm engaged!
« on: April 27, 2011, 04:24:22 am »
So yeah, the wedding is this Sunday, May 1st.  :)
Who FBs you with your name? Any wall post I make on, say, Sidoh's I use his real name. Similarly him with me.

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