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Messages - CrAz3D

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General Discussion / Re: women and govt shutdown
« on: October 18, 2013, 08:03:51 pm »
OT sorta...but I hear that from a lot of friends that dont vote. "Lesser of two evils"...blah blah blah. It's kind of fucking stupid how much people hate Congress. Elect better people. Fuck. Duh. I've never understood this crazy ignorant, "I didnt vote so not my fault" mentality. You didnt vote, so OF COURSE it's your fault.

General Discussion / Windows 8.1
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:31:56 pm »
Now that my crappy dell xps 10 is discontinued, I've been hoping for the release of Win RT 8.1. But no release for me today.

IE crashes on that thing so much. At home, I mostly just remote into my desktop (which I'm doing right now). Keyboard is more responsive when remoted in, mouse works, IE doesnt crash (cause I dont use IE). oh man. Come on 8.1 RT release!

General Discussion / Re: women and govt shutdown
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:30:23 pm »
but, since citizens run things (by electing the politicians), dont citizens run things?

General Discussion / Re: unofficial survey re lawyer fees
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:29:44 pm »
word. that makes most sense to me (so people know, upfront, generally how much they're gonna pay)

General Discussion / women and govt shutdown
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:11:35 pm »
there have been a lot of posts from my facebook friends about how we should let women run things, because they wouldn't crash the US govt.

I stumbled on this article on reddit today:

sooo....women do run things?

General Discussion / Re: uh...hdmi card [update re android mini pcp]
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:28:23 am »
went roku route. like it. wish it had a web browser.

General Discussion / Re: unofficial survey re lawyer fees
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:27:36 am »
increased complexity likely means more work, yeah. *shrug*

I spose for ease of understanding and not messing with having to re-explain things down the road, straight hourly makes sense.

General Discussion / Re: unofficial survey re lawyer fees
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:08:27 pm »
That's kind of the weird situation with lawyer work. Hourly shit is basically outdated, but we still do it (it's what we're used to, it's what clients are used to, etc). The hourly rate is what is agreed to; no one is saying a set number of hours (thought a lawyer will usually ball park the expected total cost).

The ballpark is why I think option #3 might be the most acceptable to the majority of people. You expect to pay $X for Xservice. The contract further would explain that if things get more complicated, you pay more (duh....?).

But I think people also dont recognize the value of hiring a lawyer for a simply divorce. I'd ballpark a "simple divorce with basic assets" at $2-3k (where I am), but I've seen people with plenty of money opt to do it themselves (and then screw it all up only to lose a few hundred thousand later down the line).

I spose, though, to get lawyer fees on par with what consumers want/need, there needs to be a frick ton of PR education to the public. Lawyer fees are on par with what the market demands (otherwise people wouldn't pay them), but not everyone recognizes the value of said fees, so they do shit on their own not knowing the consequences of what they're doing.

A lot of straight forward services are done on flat fee bases. Want a contract between A and B that accomplishes X? Ideally, that should be a set fee. If the client makes it more complicated, then the cost increases, obviously. But how to increase the fee is up for discussion (hourly? flat?).

General Discussion / Re: unofficial survey re lawyer fees
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:08:48 pm »
you cant define the unexpected...esp when people aren't forthcoming from the get-go. Ex: "I have an easy divorce and we agree on the split. *weeks later* Now we're fighting about X & Y & Z." If it stays like explained, then it costs X. If it becomes more difficult, of course it's going to be more expensive. Fees also drop if easier than expected. *shrug*

General Discussion / unofficial survey re lawyer fees
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:40:07 pm »
I’ve been thinking about billing structures. In lawyer-land, billable hours are historically king. Modern day, though, alternative fee agreements are becoming more popular (but aren’t common).
I have a few situations that I’d like to get input on, and see what sounds more preferable for peeps.
Scenario: You have what you think is a simple divorce.
Fee arrangement #1: I bill $300/hour for approx. 20 hours.
Fee arrangement #2: I bill $200/hours for approx. 30 hours.
Fee arrangement #3: I bill a flat cost of $6k for the basic divorce, but if it becomes complicated/you ask me about stuff unrelated to the basic divorce, I start charging $200-300 per hour.
What sounds most attractive?
(note that regardless of the option you pick, I charge $6k for a basic divorce)
(also note that you don't probably think about this rationally---you think about that as a person in the midst of the shittiest time of your life)

General Discussion / Re: Who remembers this!?
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:37:24 pm »
uhhh...not me

General Discussion / who knows shit about cars?
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:06:55 pm »
new bearing/hub assembly in. that's fine and drives nice. my question: what do I need to do re: that damn broken line that's attached to the CV axle assembly? dad and Haynes manual tell me that broken line is vent port line for 4wd. time to figure out what to do with that.

also, any tips for getting new brake pads into calibers? the damn new clips wont seat completely and the pads, therefore, won't go it. hell, I could get pads into old clips (but it was dark as hell, so I gave up and put old pads back on). it isn't a match of compressing the pistons back into calipers (I gots me a big ass C clamp with which I do that); it's a matter of getting the male end of the pads into the female/notches of the caliper.

uuhhh..............cant attach photos. hmm. guess I can upload later.

General Discussion / Re: Green fuzzy monitor :(
« on: October 01, 2013, 09:03:36 am »
maybe if we all send angry letters to US Congress that are right justified, they'd take us srsly.

General Discussion / Breaking Bad: Felina
« on: September 29, 2013, 11:20:17 pm »
So epic.


Best show I've watched in a long-ass time. Its commentary on politics, society, and culture was subtle, yet moving. Its cinematography was brilliant (I'm a New Mexican, so I'm biased). It was a thrilling, intriguing, and demanding show. And it had an actual start and an actual end. +1 for the people that decided to actually end the show instead of do some weird crap *cough*Bob Newhart & Lost*cough*. At least the Newhart ending was original, I spose.

General Discussion / Re: Green fuzzy monitor :(
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:23:02 pm »
tried multiple outlets. tried DVI and VGA cables. does it when even only plugged into wall (i.e., no connection to computer at all). sad times.

not my video, but same problem:

my computer: (again, does it even when not plugged into computer)

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