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Messages - deadly7

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 27, 2011, 03:29:55 am »
I didn't even know the damn thing was there. Suddenly WHAM I get a wing to the face!
It's so much less amusing to turn your statements into penis-related comments. :(

The one thing I will always remember about geese... in elementary school, we were outside for my phys. ed class when a flock of geese flew overhead. Naturally they started pooping. My teacher screamed and had us all convinced he got pooped on, but it was all a hoax. Really amusing as an 8 or 9 year old.

General Discussion / Re: Noise-Cancelling Headphones
« on: April 27, 2011, 03:27:38 am »
Ah, okay.  In a recent topic on another form, the OP was asking for headphones he could swim with.  Sorry for the confusion.

Fair enough, I suppose.  There are companies that will build you IEMs that are molded to your ear, so it probably wouldn't hurt.

Also, Shure makes some with memory foam... probably wouldn't hurt either.

Bose is overpriced, IMO.  The earbuds I have now have unbelievable sound quality (especially in the bass range -- it feels like I'm in a rice rocket with a $10K sound system), and they're cheaper than the Bose earbuds, which have noticeably worse sound quality.
Hahaha. Why on earth would you want to swim with headphones on? That sounds super uncomfortable, unless you got wireless ones and left the receiver+ipod on the tiles.

Interesting, because I'd imagine you'd have to order those online--how would they know how to mold them?

I do agree Bose is overpriced and overhyped. Still, I'm not really looking for audiophile-quality stuff here. My needs are moreso "Shit's loud, need to ignore people and study" than "I want this to sound perfect." I'm not going to buy Bose and then come back here and start praising their amazing sound quality. :P

Just remember that they only cancel background noise.

I have yet to see a pair that could cancel out people talking.
Untruth. I [think I] said in OP that I've borrowed a friend's Bose headphones for a bit and they legitimately cancelled out everything, including people talking at loud volumes.

I have

Very comfortable and good sound quality.  Mine are currently broken after 4.5 years of very extensive use, but if I remember correctly, they were completely noise-cancelling.  Maybe I just listen to my music loudly, but I couldn't hear anything but my music while I had those on.  Absolutely love them.

As for waterproof though, not sure.  I always had my umbrella with me so if it was raining they were protected.  During the winter/snow they were fine and acted as nice ear muffs. :)
Interesting. Maybe I'll have to swing by Bose and just look at their inventory. Their sales staff are so effing pushy, bah.

General Discussion / Re: Noise-Cancelling Headphones
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:51:07 pm »
waterproof? as in... you can swim with them?
Nah. As in, if I'm using them while it's raining or snowing, which frequently happens here in Minnesnowta (getting snow tomorrow! WTF?) they shouldn't die.

You're totally against in-ear, then?  I recently got a pair of in-ear headphones that completely drown out ambient noise if there's a little bit of music playing.  The sound quality is excellent.  They were ~$70.
Yeah. My ears just don't like in-ear headphones and I've tried dozens of different types. Every time I use them my ears start to hurt.

General Discussion / Noise-Cancelling Headphones
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:26:17 pm »
TLDR: Need a good pair. Price ~$200-300.

The perfect pair is:
-On the ear or over-the-ear... I am equally fine with either -- just want comfort! (I have huge ears)
-Decent sound quality, I don't much care if it's amazing
-I want it to be ... silent.. when I use the noise-cancelling. Not sure on a dB cutoff range, but I want to not have to listen to a room full of people
-Able to turn on/off the noise cancelling (optional but handy)

I'm leaning towards Bose's QuietComfort series.. I have used a friend's and while the sound quality is only okay, which I'm fine with, they drown out everything.

General Discussion / Re: @everyone
« on: April 19, 2011, 07:39:40 am »
For the record I vote no. Dude probably has mad spams going on.

General Discussion / Re: @everyone
« on: April 18, 2011, 07:21:25 pm »
Lol Yoni doesn't have an account here does he? He'd need to get approval. :P

General Discussion / Re: @everyone
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:09:05 pm »
I met him in person a couple times during ICML 2010. I wasn't very organized and had very little time hanging out with him. He seems to be doing pretty great!

I still talk to him regularly. He's still around.

EDIT: Sorry, I'm referring to Yoni.
Interesting.. Was he attending because he's moved into machine learning/AI now, or just because it was in Israel?

On the note of "people I used to talk to / see on" what happened to Stealth et. al? Joe would probably know best, having met him a few times..

General Discussion / Re: @everyone
« on: April 18, 2011, 12:27:54 am »
Anybody ever know what happened to Yoni, Thing, Mephisto, et al? They were huge back in the day and now nary a word about them.

General Discussion / Re: Went for a walk in high heels today...
« on: April 14, 2011, 08:54:48 pm »
*  refrain from dating or close personal relationships with students in one's section.
Grammatical fail in a full sentence:
"A TA should refrain from dating or close personal relationships with students in one's section."
Sounds retarded.

"his or her" is the standard gender-neutral way. Waiting for GLBT orgs to start qqing about it.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:04:24 pm »
Not a moron, but a woman. She is highly intelligent...and even more stubborn and irrational.
I see contradictions afoot brah. If you're interested in a long term relationship with a girl with whom you can have stimulating conversation, this chick isn't right for you. The hallmark of a thoughtful discussion is not one or both parties plugging their ears screaming "LA LA LA LA YOU'RE WRONG I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 13, 2011, 01:51:26 pm »
Sounds like you're just dating a moron. Dump and move on.

Gaming / Re: What the hell is wrong with PC games these days
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:19:15 am »
An even bigger problem than games that have various DRM features is the newfound lack of community in virtually any video game. Back in the days of SC, aka 10-15 years ago, I don't remember there being people so preoccupied with building uber teams. Everyone just wanted to have a good time. Now every game keeps statistics, and if you don't meet $ARBITRARY_CUTOFF because you don't spend all day gaming, you find yourself booted into the lobby countless times. Or if you do manage to get into a game it's an hour of "OMG NOOB NOOB NOOB NOOB NOOB OMG GOD YOU FUCKIGN SUCK" ad infinitum. As a casual gamer, fuck that. I play maybe an hour or two a week. I want to have fun, not worry if I am ubar leet ten year old videogamer. Have more important things to worry about.

[x86] Announcements / Re: Spammers....
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:10:26 pm »
I use a wildcard email address like Joe. I'm pretty sure that spammers have caught on to the thing by now (if not, it won't be much longer :) )
I guess. I just use my username @ gmail.. It's my "everything junk goes here" account, so I never care if I get spammed there. I check it every other day, if that.

[x86] Announcements / Re: Spammers....
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:55:00 pm »
I do it all the time on forums that require a registration to download. I think I'm going to start registering with a totally BS username and set the email to, so I can selectively disable email addresses if the spam gets bad. :)
Or you can do <youremail> ..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:33:22 pm »
Simple answer: Do you like money? Failing to meet deadlines is the easiest way to no longer be making money.

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