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Messages - deadly7

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 01, 2011, 12:21:52 pm »
I'll possibly be asking this waitress out on a date tomorrow if she's working... waitresses' motives are difficult to discern when they flirt with you, but oh well, I don't have anything to lose and need to build up a thicker skin to rejection by women.

Just based on everything you've written, I'm not sure why you haven't tried an online dating site (if you haven't).

I've met a couple good friends through online dating, though no relationships (yet?). I'm pretty happy with it. :)

(Things are a little different when you're looking for guys, though, because in my life guys tend to default to 'friend', even if they're gay. *shrug* I like making friends so I don't mind)
That is so GAY of you to say that!

Wait, this isn't quite as insulting as I'd have hoped. :(

General Discussion / Re: Building a new computer
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:23:27 pm »
Ah. Does having the ATi bridge benefit me at all if I then add a discrete video card? I've stopped keeping up with hardware changes, as you can see..

How's this monitor?

General Discussion / Building a new computer
« on: March 31, 2011, 02:02:54 pm »
I need a new general purpose workstation at home, so I browsed Newegg.
I like this combo set for a few reasons:
Processor super easy to OC and decently spec'd out of the box
1TB hard drive for all my piratin needz
Mobo has SATA3 and USB 3.0 ports galore

I'm still in the market for a:
Power supply

I don't think I'll be buying a video card anytime soon -- this is going to be never used for video games beyond Starcraft 1 or Warcraft III. But, if I want to buy one, would an nVIDIA card work? Or am I limited to ATI because this is a Crossfire motherboard?

Anyway, recommendations on the three things I'm looking for would be awesome.

Tutorials, References, and Examples / Re: fmylife-esque clone
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:27:41 pm »
I think I found trust's website...

Academic / School / Re: The Puzzle Thread!
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:33:28 pm »
So Blue Man Group is perfect logicians?

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:47:26 am »
Can I leave engineering, too?
I'm doing something that would make every statistician cry by taking my extremely limited experience working in engineering and extrapolating out to all fields, but I just can't see myself doing benchwork on a daily basis. It was interesting, sure, but it was more often than not just annoying. Too much hands-on work and not necessarily enough high-level thinking. And unless you're a project manager, that seems to be the case among many engineers I've seen. "Work on this small part of this gigantic design."

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 14, 2011, 03:03:22 pm »
I'd love that, too. Seriously, I thought I had a corrupted install based on the error the data acquisition card was throwing at me. Why don't they have an error saying a necessary component isn't running?
Yeah, I was setting up something to utilize Labview to collect data from a substrate and it was the biggest PITA. Needless to say, I left that lab out of hating engineering. =)

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 13, 2011, 01:49:49 pm »

I really hate the way labview is implemented with several background processes that are started when I log in to my machine. I spent two hours the other night trying to figure out why the hell my data acquisition card wasn't working. It was all because I didn't have every last one of the damn processes running. Why doesn't NI just program it so the processes open and close upon Labview's launch and shutdown? That'd make sense to me, but whatever.
Or, do what every other company has managed and make Labview run in one process... Labview was one of the worst experiences I've had in a lab.

General Discussion / Re: Madison Wisconsin protests
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:16:00 am »
Unions in the public sector are something even FDR hated, and he's often cited as the most liberal president. Although I can't say I agree with the way in which the anti-union deal was pushed through -- very slimeball-y.

"All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations ... The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for ... officials ... to bind the employer ... The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives ..."

General Discussion / Re: My CodeCamp 2011 talk
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:13:27 am »
Hmmm... I would say Bose is at least upper middle.
There are a few things Bose does well, none of which are really indicators of their audio quality. For example, I've tried at least a dozen different "high end" headphones and Bose, by far, has the best noise-cancelling headphones. I don't have a music player so it's more an exercise in self-indulgence to try things out. Bose also has a good marketing team for a speaker company. But Klipsche, Shure, etc. blow it out of the water in terms of audio quality. And I am by no means an audiophile -- classical music is just a good genre for finding out if speakers have a good range.

didn't you hear?  it's so cliche to gripe about bose being cliche.

you must've missed the last hipster meeting.  how very hipster of you.
I'm genuinely sad. That was a Simpsons quote, one of the best 5 second clips I can remember, and iago didn't respond. Probably very unhipster of me to care. Also, you can't see my balls through my jeans, so I don't quite classify.

That and I don't think everything's, like, totally ironic.

General Discussion / Re: My CodeCamp 2011 talk
« on: March 11, 2011, 12:13:48 pm »
You're a homo(nym)
You don't make friends with salad, you don't make friends with salad!

General Discussion / Re: My CodeCamp 2011 talk
« on: March 10, 2011, 11:58:36 pm »
Can we rename this the "Homonyms for iago's last name" thread?

General Discussion / Re: My CodeCamp 2011 talk
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:49:17 pm »
I pronounce your last name "Bose" like the middle-of-the-road audio equpiment manufacturer.

General Discussion / Re: .org domain
« on: March 07, 2011, 06:09:47 pm »
Srsly?  Between blog, Facebook, and member's board, you fail?  :P
I would be interested in reading these opinions in, say, blog format.

iago's forum / Re: Important news!
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:38:39 pm »
You're alive!?
He is quite literally always on AIM whenever I am. I therefore deduce that he is alive.

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